Tag: psychology

Will Web 2.0 technologies spell the end for corporates?

Executives in big business face a real issue in the coming months; they need to generate more business in these difficult times, yet the very tools they can use to do this will make their life much more difficult than ever before. Corporate business is a top-down, patriarchal system. Bosses

What is an Internet Psychologist?

I am a psychologist who specialises in understanding how people behave in the online world. Some people call me a cyberpsychologist. I look at the way people use the Internet, what makes them “tick” online and how they cope with the various technologies. The information I provide helps business owners

Tap into the psychology of your web site visitors

If your web site fails to connect with your visitors, your online business will not succeed. Far more important to your profits are the people who visit your web site, rather than the technology you use or the design of your pages. That’s why your business needs to consider the

Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association
About Graham Jones

About Graham Jones

Graham Jones Graham Jones Reviews United Kingdom Speakers E-Commerce Speakers Social Media Speakers Psychology Speakers Marketing Speakers Business Speakers powered by Speaker Wiki I am a professional speaker, psychologist, consultant and author who specialises in the way we use the Internet.  I use that knowledge to help businesses make more

Internet information overload starts the New Year

Welcome to 2009; never before have you been on the receiving end of so much information. There are more web pages than you could read in your entire life, assuming you lived to 100. More books are published now than ever – and there are more printed magazines and newspapers

Building relationships in ecommerce

Customers love to be loved. In fact, we tend to shy away from companies who dislike us in some way. Only last week, after 9 years of loyal custom, I cancelled my Annual Membership with the RAC; I had found I could get an equivalent breakdown service for a quarter

Don’t put off reading this article – read it now…!

One in five people are “chronic procrastinators” – and the rest of us aren’t much better. Putting things off until later is a common feature of many people’s daily lives – in fact we are rather good at procrastination. It’s all down to parenting styles and education systems. Over-controlling parents

Liverpool Mercury interviewed me

The Liverpool Mercury just interviewed me about the psychology of Facebook – is there pressure to have more friends?

Web Designer Magazine

I’ve been asked to write an article on the psychology of web site navigation for Web Designer Magazine.

Does your web site need to be perfect?

Many web sites never get off the ground; the people setting them up often don’t want to go-ahead and publish because the site isn’t “quite ready”. Indeed, I met a chap a few months ago whose site was still “under construction” after two years of “development” and he was “almost

Internet marketing advice can come from unexpected places

You never know where you are going to pick up tips about Internet marketing. Sometimes the soundest advice for running your web site comes not from an Internet marketing guru, but from something that has nothing to do with the Internet. Bryan McCrae is a psychologist who spoke at the

Technology isn’t as clever as we like to think

The more that neuroscientists learn about the brain, the less they know. Hardly a day goes by without some piece of research leading us to question how our brain works, just when we thought we were coming to an answer. For several years now, psychologists have remained somewhat dumbfounded by


Imagine the brains of your readers and wonder what they make of your web site

Your web site visitors can be manipulated. Indeed, successful web sites do this with great care. They lure you in, almost hypnotically, and get you to do whatever it is they want, such as buy something from them. Copywriting expert Joe Vitale is the pioneer of “hypnotic writing” in which