Tag: psychology

The Ocean Countess Cruise Ship

Social networks will boost empathy with your customers

I feel really sorry for Janet Richardson, the 73-year-old grandmother who was accidentally dropped into the ice-cold sea by paramedics as they tried to take her from her holiday cruise ship, the Ocean Countess, to hospital in Norway. I don’t know her and I’ve never been dropped into the sea

Psychologists find buy now button in brain

Advertising psychology research in London first to find triggers to online buying

Psychologists in London have revealed today that a new form of advertising they have tested could revolutionise the online world. The advertising method they have devised and studied in over 1,000 people has located the actual brain triggers to buying – the brain’s “buy now” button. It has been known

Do humans really have a head for numbers?
Internet Marketing

Eight out of ten cat owners are wrong

Eight out of ten owners say their cats prefer Whiskas. (Other pet foods are available.) Do you remember this famous advertising slogan? Maybe Pedigree Pet Foods would have done better if they had said “80 per cent of cat owners” instead of “eight out of ten”. The reason, according to

Experts think Differently to the Rest of Us

You need to become an internet expert

If you want to succeed online you need to become an internet expert. That will change the way your brain works, it seems, and make your thinking much more intuitive. No longer will you sit there wishing – instead you will instinctively know what to do next in order to succeed online.

The brain
Internet Psychology Articles


The developing field of cyberpsychology encompasses all psychological phenomena that are associated with or affected by emerging technology. Cyber comes from the word cybernetics, the study of the operation of control and communication; psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. Cyberpsychology is the study of the human mind


Paper-based blogging system yields results

OK – here’s a quick quiz. Question 1: What is the fastest way to contact someone? Did you say email? Or Twitter? Or an SMS text message? If you came up with some digital method – it’s the WRONG answer. The fastest way to contact someone is…wait for it….the telephone.

5 Easy Tips For Improving Your Business Website

By Colette Mason If customers don’t stick around on your website long because they find it confusing, frustrating or boring, ultimately, your business will struggle to make any sales online. The great news for you is there are tons of quick and easy – usually free ways – to make


You must hold conversations with your website readers

Listening and speaking gets our minds in sync. Can you achieve that online? yes you can..! Hello, how are you? Hope all is well in your world today. It’s a bit dreary here at the moment, weather-wise, but I’m looking forward to a busy day. Later on, I’m off to

Daily Telegraph interview

Interviewed earlier today for The Daily Telegraph on the psychology of crowdsourcing and why we tend to trust large groups of people online, such as when we ask questions in Twitter. Interesting subject and hopefully I gave some interesting answers…! Read all about it in the Telegraph soon. UPDATE: Here

Online shops fail to predict customer behaviour

The Political Editor of Sky News, Adam Boulton, is now a YouTube sensation after his live TV spat with Labour Party adviser, Alistair Campbell. “Don’t keep saying what I think,” yelled Mr Bolton, “don’t keep telling me what I think.” There is no love lost between these two anyway; but


WordPress is wrong and graphic designers are right

A standard WordPress page does not help your website visitors remember what is important WordPress is one of the most popular pieces of software around. Indeed, on WordPress.com there are over 11m blogs – and as for the number of websites that are built using WordPress.org, well it’s anyone’s guess.


Internet success is more likely when you meet the right people

RBS boss says bankers are paid to much; but that’s because of their brains The boss of RBS has scored a Gordon Brown-like “own goal”. The bank’s Chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, has admitted that city bankers are paid too much – “astonishingly high”, is what he said their salaries were.

Internet Marketing

There are three types of internet marketer

If you are a fan of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) look away now; you are about to be offended. Good – notice the embedded command? OK, what I’m about to reveal shows that the entire basis of NLP could be false. The evidence that we are either “visual”, “auditory” or “kinaesthetic”


Three steps to selling more online

Online shoppers do not base their buying decisions on single factors, such as price or whether or not they like your web design. Instead, much research is showing that buyers are using what might be called an “holistic” approach. In other words they are taking into account a range of

Growing divide between politicians and web users

Politicians are consistently demonstrating they are growing ever further out of touch with the rest of us. A new study from the George Washington University in the USA shows that young people are interested in politics and they would love to get involved – if only politicians would talk to

Why Customer Objections Are Good News!

When a customer begins to express objections (or as I prefer to call them concerns) during the selling process this can be very, very good news! Firstly, they may be genuinely considering your idea and as they are thinking about it some possible hurdles spring to mind. And secondly as