Justin Bieber reveals what your website needs
The psychology of Justin Bieber Fever shows you what you need to achieve on your own website to attract more visitors. You need to increase dopamine levels.
The psychology of Justin Bieber Fever shows you what you need to achieve on your own website to attract more visitors. You need to increase dopamine levels.
The increase in the activity of Internet “trolls” has been highlighted recently. But what does it say about people in general that this can occur?
Checking Facebook alone is as good as those expensive occupational psychology profiles according to new research.
Neurological research suggests web design needs to be even more laser-focused on the precise needs of visitors. They decide in advance what to look at.
Internet Marketing Psychology is the concept of understanding how your customers think and behave so that you can engage with them better, please them greatly and ultimately sell more. The idea of using psychology to sell more is not new. Retailers in traditional stores, for instance, use psychological techniques –
On the Bill Buckley show this morning talking about the psychology of Boxing Day shopping.
Charles Dickens knew a thing or two about human psychology. In “A Christmas Carol“, the main character Ebenezer Scrooge connects his past to his likely future and changes his behaviour as a result. Instead of being a miser, he dramatically alters his behaviour and becomes a model of generosity, providing
So, what has grabbed your attention this year? During 2011 I added almost 1,000 new articles to this website – some have proved very popular, others less so. Here is a reminder of the Top 10 most-visited articles of the year (click on the titles if you want to read
Here’s a simple psychology project you can do yourself this weekend in your local High Street. Sit yourself down in the café or restaurant of your nearest department store and do a bit of “people watching“. All you have to do is count the number of shopping bags each person
Here’s a conundrum for you. Let’s see if we can work it out. According to several studies, most business do NOT blog. Back in 2009 less than 16% of the Fortune 500 were blogging. And according to a study last year the number of companies blogging would rise to just
Dr Brooke Magnanti is a scientist who you might know better as “Belle du Jour“, the £300-an-hour prostitute who wrote such a famous blog it was converted into the TV series, “Secret Diary of a Call Girl” starring Billie Piper. Dr Magnanti was finally “uncovered” in 2009, some six years
Getting people to engage with your website and to click on anything is an ever increasing problem. The number of available web pages is rising dramatically – 40 new websites are created every single minute of each day. And together with the existing websites (all 260 million of them) Google
Psychologists often find strange relationships between our behaviour and our body shape. Recent research from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has discovered that profitable companies require a fat-faced leader…! According to the research, Fortune 500 companies who had leaders with wide faces made more profits than businesses where the leaders were
Ryan Giggs is back in the news…AGAIN…! He has he been accused of not being able to keep his trousers up, and it now transpires he has also spent £30,000 on trying to stop himself going bald (allegedly). Another day, another Ryan Giggs revelation; it looks like it won’t be
Nick Clegg has a problem; according to academic research his party could lose a significant number of seats in the next general election. But as soon as you think of the Liberal Democrats or their leader, what colour comes to mind? Yes, you’re thinking of yellow aren’t you? Gosh; I’m
Lady Gaga has made history and helped us understand a bit more about web design psychology; she has become the first celebrity to have more than 10m followers on Twitter. Whoopee! Of course that means that over 96% of the Twitter world ignore her. And as for the rest of
Blogging is, of course, great for business. Indeed, many successful businesses put blogging central to their online activities. There is plenty of evidence which shows that blogging is related to search engine success, social media success and – importantly – financial success. Blogging works. However, there is more to blogging
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