Stop checking the Internet late at night…!
Checking the web late at night could cause you sleep problems, stress and make you fat…! Research shows screens interfere with our biological clocks.
Checking the web late at night could cause you sleep problems, stress and make you fat…! Research shows screens interfere with our biological clocks.
Facebook improves the relationship between children and parents. It could improve the relationship between businesses and customers too.
Infographic showing who is winning the social media race
To test the power of social media, he recently submitted his theory to a Facebook group called “Quantum Physics” for close scrutiny.
Businesses Should Integrate SEO and Social Media Efforts to Improve Visibility in Facebook Graph Search, Recommends Punch Communications
Social media research shows that people in China use social networks in a dramatically different way to people in the USA
Unfriending has real world consequences. Far better to consider whether people should be friends in the first place it seems.
Should a business use social media corporately or with identifiable individual members of staff? Research shows the solution all depends on what you aim at.
Facebook Wall of Shame: T-Mobile, Amazon and Starbucks Rank Amongst the Worst in the UK for Facebook Customer Service
What are the five best social media platforms for multimedia?
Big does not always mean best. Research shows the best performing tech company in 2012 was not Apple or Google but a comparative minnow
Virally is an excellent service to combine social media recommendations and email marketing
Facebooks’ new graph search engine is a recipe for divorce say divorce experts
Infographic showing how photos on Facebook affect engagement
Study shows that Facebook posts are more memorable than “well written” text. This suggests that natural language is better for websites
Facebook Graph Search could be a solution to a non-existent problem
Search behaviour is becoming more focused, leaving most business out in the cold
Five New Year resolutions for a successful internet online business in 2013
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