Category: Media Appearances

City AM

Interviewed by CityAM newspaper for article on new research by Facebook

BBC Radio 5 Live

Interviewed by Victoria Derbyshire about the ethics of a newly published study by Facebook

BBC Berkshire

Just been interviewed on BBC Berkshire by Tony Blackburn about the psychology of complaining about online purchases.

Brand Quarterly

My article on the psychology of online Consumer Psychology appears in the latest issue of Brand Quarterly on p20.

Press Association

Interviewed by the Press Association about the impact of social media on our brains.

Daily Mirror

My latest opinion piece in the Daily Mirror is published today about

The Times

Interviewed by The Times for an article due to appear tomorrow, Saturday 5th April, on how people use online dating apps.

Sunday Times

Interviewed for piece in Sunday Times magazine about the way social media affects our view of ourselves

BBC London

Just appeared on BBC London talking about the positive impact of 25 years of the World Wide Web.

BBC Radio Gloucestershire

Just been on BBC Radio Gloucestershire talking about the phenomenon of online cat videos, following the news that “Grumpy Cat” is now making millions.

Daily Mirror

Had my opinion published in the Daily Mirror following stories about children spending too much money on online games

Daily Mirror

Interviewed by the Daily Mirror for an article on Neknomination – social media drinking game

Director Magazine

Just completed an interview for Director Magazine about selling online.

BBC Radio Five Live

Interviewed by Nicky Campbell on BBC Radio Five Live about Internet abuse on Twitter

Vitality Magazine

Interviewed by Vitality magazine about the way in which people shop online for beauty products

Al Jazeera

Helped Al Jazeera TV with a programme on “online trolls”.