Category: Media Appearances

BBC Hereford and Worcester

Just recorded an interview with Malcolm Boyden of BBC Hereford and Worcester talking about the “Be Like Bill” Facebook campaign.

Women’s Health

Interview for women’s health magazine on the popularity of health bloggers.

Daily Mail

Interviewed about children who write blogs

Sunday Times

Interviewed for an article in The Sunday Times about the impact of the Internet on reading ability.

Pick Me Up

Interviewed for “Pick Me Up” magazine about social media and depression.


Interviewed for Cosmopolitan magazine about psychology of online dating

Press Association

Interviewed by the Press Association for a forthcoming feature article on the use of social media during the recent troubles in France

BBC Radio Berkshire

Interviewed about the use of Twitter following the Paris shootings and bombings

Cosmopolitan Magazine

Interviewed for a feature article on the psychology of Instagram for business

BBC Radio

On the Mark Forrest show which runs across 40 local stations in the UK, talking about the fear of missing out on social media activity.

USA Today

Just been interviewed by USA Today for a feature on online shopping.

Grazia Magazine

Just been interviewed by Grazia Magazine for an article on social media.

Marie Claire

Just helped Marie Claire magazine with an article about fitness boasting on social networking sites

The Sun

Interviewed by The Sun for an article on social media and animal cruelty

The Scotsman

Just been interviewed about Twitter “storm” on the colour of a dress