Category: Media Appearances

BBC Tees and scam emails

Had a lovely chat with Alex from BBC Tees on the whole problem of how do you spot an email scam. Nice lively interview; hope it helped people.

The News – Portsmouth

The News in Portsmouth just interviewed me for an article on how to improve email usage.

Several local radio interviews

Spent most of today in a studio in London doing a round of local radio interviews for broadcast tomorrow on the subject of fear of the Internet amongst the over 50s.

Appeared in Facebook book

Dennis Publishing has just produced “Facebook: The Complete Guide to Social Networking” in which yours truly features prominently on page 11 including a big picture of me…!

Front page of the Reading Chronicle

My interview with the Business Editor of the Reading Chronicle led to a front page story in the main newspaper and then the whole of the front page of the Business Review sections. Wow!

Back on the BBC again

BBC Radio has just interviewed me about the whole concept of “virtual assistants”. Nice little piece about getting your life organised by someone else!

Christmas shopping for The Scotsman

The Scotsman newspaper just called to interview me about Christmas shopping. They wanted to know why so many people do their shopping online – and what they should look out for in terms of any scams.

Reading Chronicle set to interview me

Had a call from the business section of the Reading Chronicle who want to interview me. Apparently they have been told by people that they really ought to publish my views…! Wow!

PA Features just called

The features desk at The Press Association has just called. They are doing a feature for syndication to local newspapers throughout the UK on “Second Life” and they’ll be including comments from me on what the unreal world of Second Life means for us in the real world.

PR company calls for help

Interesting how things develop. The fact that I appear regularly in the media appears to have been spotted by at least one (very well known, international) PR company. They called today and asked me to be an independent spokesperson on a project they are doing. What they want to do

ITV News turns up on the doorstep

Earlier this morning the doorbell rings and standing there was a reporter from ITV News. After a brief chat we agreed on a recording that will take place later in the week.

Back on BBC Tees again

BBC Tees had me live on air for half an hour today talking about “web revenge” – how people try to use Internet systems to get their own back on people who have crossed them…! I had a fun discussion with Alex Hall during her mid-morning programme.

BBC Ulster consumer programme

Today I was on the BBC Ulster consumer affairs programme, On Your Behalf, where the presenter Linda McAuley quizzed me about email stress. I was doing the interview “down the line” from the Portsmouth satellite studio of Radio Solent. It was decidedly non stressy for me because it was a

I’m in the Daily Telegraph again…!

This week seems to be Daily Telegraph week…! Today I’m being quoted about inbox overload, which is also this week’s subject following some Scottish research. You can read the article called “The curse of inbox overload“.

Interviewed on BBC Radio Five Live

Today I was called by the Midday News team at BBC Radio Five Live to talk about email overload. This followed the publication of research from Scotland which showed that many people were getting stressed out because of too many emails. I was interviewed by Aasmah Mir for about four