Category: Media Appearances

Economist Interview

Just been interviewed for The Economist for an article on the psychology of online health information.

London Evening Standard interview on email psychology

The London Evening Standard interviewed me today for an article due to appear in tomorrow’s newspaper about the psychology of email and how we can all get more people to read and act on our emails and how we can inject personality into emails.

TV programme on social networking psychology

I was asked today to appear on a satellite TV programme for the Sky package on the psychology of social networking. They want me to be a panellist in an hour-long studio discussion programme.

Due to appear in teen magazine Sugar

I am in the July issue of “Sugar” a magazine mostly read by teenage girls….! The article is about online teenage role playing, such as in Second Life.

In this weekend’s FT

Thanks to columnist Mike Southon, I feature in this weekend’s Financial Times, talking about blogging.

18 radio interviews – this morning..!

Just off to studios in London to start a day of radio interviews. I’m doing 18 interviews with various radio stations on the subject of the psychology of online writing; why the Internet has encouraged us to write more than ever before.

I am in Psychologies magazine

You’ll find me interviewed in this month’s Psychologies magazine about being an “online update junkie” – addiction to status updating. See: Psychologies Magazine.

Financial Times interviewing me

Just off to see Mike Southon, a columnist on the Financial Times, who will be talking to me about corporate blogging amongst other things

Possibly live on CBC

Just been asked by Canadian Broadcasting Company if I’d be happy to be live on their news programme discussing whether or not social networking is harmful to health.