Category: Social Media News

Immortum – An App for Using Social Media After Death

Maxelerator Ltd, a venture firm announces the launch of Immortum (, a social media site that allows continued social media interactions even after people have died. Immortum allows people especially those near end of life due to age or illness to store their memories or messages and publish them later

New Social Media Analytics Technology Measures ROI for Retailers

Now retailers can put a dollar amount to all types of social sharing.  It’s simple to identify which social networks are driving the most sales.  In addition you can analyze demographics at a product level.  For example, Product A might be more popular among males aged 25-34 on Twitter while

Entrepreneurs Utilise Social Media to Increase Their Brand Awareness

There has never been a better time for SMEs to grab the web by its digital horns and see how it could benefit their business. According to research* by specialist business insurer Hiscox entrepreneurs that have incorporated social media into their business models claim they use it to not only

Snooping bosses should ditch the Facebook habit

Many recruiters want to know what really makes us tick by putting a magnifying glass to what we are up to on social networking sites. But new research by the Online Privacy Foundation has revealed just how well others can judge our personalities by looking us up on Facebook. While

Gogobot Makes Timeline Travel Possible

Today Gogobot, the world’s largest social travel site, launched one of the first travel apps for Facebook Timeline.  The new Gogobot app lets friends turn to one another for travel advice and share trip plans, photos, recommendations and personal travel guides straight to their Facebook Timeline. Users can start adding their travel

Don’t make Facebook users stare at the wall…!

Like It Pages have developed an application which allows businesses to fully customize their Facebook pages. Like It Pages is an online tool through which you can create and edit different tabs within your Facebook fan page in a similar way to a website. This application allows companies to add

Brands Invest in Facebook Advertising with New Budgets and Focus on Fan Acquisition

Brands are continuing to invest in Facebook advertising and focusing on fan acquisition. Spend in social media advertising is now additive to existing budgets rather than subtracting from other digital media channels, demonstrating the growing investment in the medium. Brands continued to acquire Facebook fans at 9% per month. Facebook

Facebook caused even more divorce mayhem in 2011

A survey carried out by UK divorce website Divorce-Online in December 2009 found that 20% of behaviour petitions contained the word “Facebook.”. A follow up survey in December 2011 has found that number has increased alarmingly during 2011 to {{33% of behaviour petitions have been found to contain Facebook}} in

Want to complain? Go online…!

A survey of 2,000 UK consumers reveals that social media now ranks as a go-to platform for making complaints about a company’s products or services. Commissioned by eGain, the leading provider of cloud and on-site customer interaction software, and conducted by Vision Critical, the survey asked consumers to rank in

The Leaked Zuckerberg Photos And The Fragility Of Privacy

A few days ago, hackers exploited a security flaw on the Facebook website to gain access to private photos belonging to Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook. Although the security loophole was swiftly closed by Facebook, the images had already been posted to the web by the hackers.

Innovative ExactView Technology Tracks Social Media to point of Sale

Brands who have implemented a social media strategy into their integrated consumer outreach programmes but have been unable to effectively evaluate the success of their campaigns to the point of sales conversions, need now look no further than ExactView – the latest technological advancement by leading provider of real-time performance

Small Business Facebook Marketing Simplified with New eBook

Inspired by today’s down economy, WebMaxed founder and CEO Kevin Haynes has written a free eBook designed to help small business entrepreneurs succeed and grow their businesses by harnessing the power of social media. Haynes’ book teaches small and local business owners how to capitalize on the popularity of Facebook,

Half of businesses consider social essential

Over 50% of user organisations in a recent AIIM survey now consider social business or Enterprise 2.0 applications to be imperative or significant to their business goals. Risk-averse culture is a primary factor impeding wider adoption. Positive results from early adopters are driving a rapid investment in social applications within

Facebook ad spend up 25 percent

Facebook ad spend has increased 25 percent during the third quarter of 2011, according to research by performance marketing company, Efficient Frontier. The cost of advertising on Facebook has also increased, with cost-per-clicks up by 54 percent in Q3 over Q2. Search spend has increased by 16 percent year-on-year in

Internet Marketing News

Facebook to feature at eCommerce Expo as a leading keynote

Hardly a week goes by without the industry discussing whether the future is social, with Facebook set to be leading the way.  With more than 750 million active users, Facebook’s population exceeds that of the European Union*, making  the Facebook platform increasingly attractive as an enterprising marketplace. With the recent

IFA Life reaches 7,000 milestone

IFA Life, the social network for IFAs and Financial Planners today reached another milestone when its 7,000th member joined the site. The site which was founded in 2008 by former Zurich Life Head of National Accounts Philip Calvert, has become an invaluable resource for financial advisers, with many visiting up