Category: Social Media News

Conversing With Consumers Reaps The Greatest Benefit Of Social Media

The biggest advantage of including social media in a marketing strategy is that it facilitates conversation between brands and their audiences according to Reality Digital, the leading provider of online community software ( for brands and businesses. Social networks have numerous uses when it comes to online marketing, providing a

Social Media Is Important In Keeping Content Fresh For Users

Social media can play a vital part in keeping a website fresh and appealing to its users according to Reality Digital, the leading provider of online community software ( for brands and businesses. With a vast amount of business and other activities now being conducted over the Internet, it has

Twitter and Social Networks Are Not Seen as ‘Useful’ by Book Readers

In a recent survey conducted by Book Marketing Limited, book-lovers gave a resounding thumbs down to ‘social networks’ such as Facebook and Twitter with only 3% seeing them as very useful places they would go to for recommendations on what books to read next. Instead, they actively seek out more

BuzzPlant Expands Their Social Media Marketing Offerings

Using social media to market your products or services is a must in today’s changing media landscape. As the world migrates daily toward a habit of consuming their media via on-demand, anytime access, traditional advertising and marketing methods are being ignored and tuned out. Online social media marketing is where

Twitter Used More Frequently in Email Marketing Than Facebook

MailChimp recently analyzed more than 1 billion emails sent since January 2009 to track the inclusion of links to Twitter and Facebook. The data shows an 84% increase in email campaigns that include links to Twitter compared to a 66% increase in campaigns that feature Facebook. In 2008, neither site

Raise Awareness of Your Business With Twitter

Irun Business Intelligence in Monmouth has started a campaign to raise the awareness among businesses in the South Wales region of the importance of Twitter as a marketing tool. Through a series of workshops, local businesses will be shown how to use Twitter to achieve top of mind awareness with

Social Orgs Announces The Release of a New Video, Social Media Unplugged

Social Orgs, has just announced the release of a new video, “Social Media Unplugged.” The video shows a social media platoon under the direction of a “Fidel Castro” type leader planning a takeover of an island using all of the social networking capabilities. The social media characters, Linkedin, Facebook. Blogger,

Social Media Increases Flow of Traffic to FurnishWEB

When Barry Welch, founder of Internet Databases and developer of FurnishWEB, a web-based online ordering and product inventory data management system serving the home furnishing industry, wanted to increase the industry’s awareness of FurnishWEB, he turned to social media to help him get the word out. Welch, a seasoned entrepreneur

IFA Life launches directory of financial advisers’ websites

Since the launch of the IFA social networking site in July 2008, IFA Life has seen increasing numbers of visits from consumers who are looking for financial advisers and IFAs. Consumers increasingly turn to the Internet first when looking for professional service providers, so it’s important that financial advisers have

Social Media News

Ecademy. Google, The BBC and top Internet Psychologist to speak at Financial Services in Social Media conference

Financial services brands are showing significantly increased interest in using social networking sites to interact and engage with IFAs, financial planners and direct with consumers. Online networking technology provides financial services providers with a wealth of opportunity to enhance their image and promote their services, as large numbers of IFAs

Brands Don’t Need A Whole New Website To Incorporate Social Media

Brands looking to utilise social media in their online marketing efforts don’t need to build a whole new website for that purpose, as social media features can be easily incorporated to an existing site framework according to Reality Digital, the leading provider of online community software for brands and businesses

IFA Social Network growing every day

IFA Life, the social networking website for IFAs and financial planners is celebrating its first year online.  Over 2,400 financial advisers have signed up to the website in the first twelve months, which they use as an industry hub to network, share best practice, debate key issues, raise their profile

Is Traditional Media Still Relevant In A Social Media World?

With the popularity of social media, many book authors, experts, speakers and companies interested in marketing, branding and book or personal publicity may wonder how the role of traditional media has changed and if exposure on radio and TV or in newspapers and magazines is still relevant. Traditional media packs

Social Media News

CitySocialising seeks the UK’s most sociable people

The website CitySocialising, the UK’s leading socialising and networking service for city professionals, today launched its search to find the UK’s most sociable people. In their hunt for the CitySocialising Super Socialiser 2009, the networking site is asking its members across 19 cities in the UK and Scotland to organise