Category: Newswire

Top 5 Discoveries about Online Bingo Players

Recently, popular bingo sites Moon Bingo, Robin Hood Bingo and Gossip Bingo polled their players to find out what activities they enjoy in addition to playing online bingo

1&1 Takes Security and Performance to a New Level

1&1 Internet, Ltd.,, a global leader among Web hosting providers, today introduced a number of enhancements to web hosting packages that improve performance and security for website owners.

1&1 now partners with CloudFlare

1&1 Internet, Ltd.,, a global leader amongst Web hosting providers, has partnered with CloudFlare to deliver improved website performance to its customers

First in-store payments system using PayPal launched

Belfast-based software company AirPOS today announced that PayPal Here, PayPal’s new mobile chip and pin reader, and PayPal Check-In, PayPal’s payment platform for paying by smartphone, are now available on the AirPOS software platform