Category: Video

How to manage multiple WordPress sites from one place

If, like me, you have dozens of WordPress sites, managing them can be difficult. You log in to one, then have to log into another and before long you are a bit muddled as to which site you are on. Not any more, thanks to a new service ManageWP. Check

How to earn $1m in two weeks by using Google

This video demonstrates that by using search facilities effectively you can learn completely new skills that can earn you $1m. Few of us actually use search engines effectively. We simply type in a word or two and hit enter. But with the intelligent use of search facilities much more is

A blogging system that obviously works

Here is an interview I did with Chris Challis about the system he uses for blogging and how it has transformed his occasional blog into something which he does enthusiastically. You can get my free report on the blogging system at:

Technology – An Addiction or a Habit?

Here is a short documentary on Internet addiction in which I appear. The documentary was made by a media studies student as part of her final year project. Technology – An Addiction or a Habit?! from Claire Tacey-Green on Vimeo.

Are you at the right Internet party?

There’s a party on the Internet…but is your business part of it? Or are you hopelessly trying to get people to come into your “lounge” for a nibble? Find out where the action is on this video.