Give people the idea that they own a product before they buy it to increase sales
Giving people the feeling that they own a product before they actually buy it makes it more likely they will ultimately decide to make the purchase
Giving people the feeling that they own a product before they actually buy it makes it more likely they will ultimately decide to make the purchase
Internet Psychologist Graham Jones explains what you need to do to get attention for your website by analysing the Top 10 sites in the world.
Excerpts from talks by Graham Jones, LinkedIn and Sage about online buyer behaviour
Video produced by school children about the way in which modern technology is affecting teenagers
This video exposes the issues involved with Internet Psychology and how web psychology is affecting all of us – not necessarily for the better
Short documentary film about social media and mental health, in particular the use of Facebook
A video explaining how to get people to buy more from your website using psychological techniques
The experience of the leading online fabric retailers Joel and Son Fabrics shows exactly what you need to think about if you want to sell online.
Video showing what really works in omnichannel retail.
A stunningly brilliant video on how the world of the web is affecting our real world behaviour.
Video explaining SEO easily and in really straightforward terms.
Video discussing the growing field of cyberpsychology
Click.ology is the latest book by Internet Psychologist Graham Jones
Video showing several reasons why infographics are good for online business
Video taking you through the infographic on content marketing
Appearance of Internet Psychologist Graham Jones on The Web Marketing Show
TED Talk on the integration of touch to the web
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