Quality content should be central to your business
Quality content is fundamental to online success. New research shows it has been essential to the growth of Facebook, for instance.
Quality content is fundamental to online success. New research shows it has been essential to the growth of Facebook, for instance.
Winning awards can seem a good idea. But it opens up your business to a wider audience bringing negative reviews and word of mouth.
Selling cool products sounds like a good idea. Except research shows the impact is short-lived . Coolness could reduce product sales, not increase them.
On Safer Internet Day, today, it is too easy to focus on what it means for children. Yet there are significant business risks online.
You would have thought that being a specialist and focusing on one kind of work would bring you more business. However new research shows this can work against you.
Most businesses are failing to take advantage of the digital world. This is putting them at a huge disadvantage compared with companies that are focusing on digital.
Businesses are striving to use the most up-to-date technological advances. However, that strategy might be misplaced. The best technology for your business may be the human brain.
You can increase your online business by tapping into psychological ways of connecting with your customers. Here are five ways you can use psychology to sell more.
The display of prices for products and services is a long-standing debate. Should you show them? Should you hide them? What colour should prices be displayed in? How big and what kind of type should you use? Gosh – there are so many questions for just one element of online
The motivation to gain new online business might last only until you actually win a client. After that you might not be so motivated, new research implies.
Targeting your online marketing efforts is vital. More than ever people respond negatively to marketing that is not precisely to their requirements.
Packaging of items sold is more influential than retailers might think. New research shows that packaging trumps prior consumer decisions.
Customisation of websites means that people stick around longer and like your company more.
Don’t believe everything you read in your analytics reports; most of those visits to your website are not from real people.
When selling online, customers are looking for detailed information. They know what they want – they want you to tell them the details.
Likes on the web are mostly one-way, which is not real liking. Liking happens when it is two-way. How much do you like your customers?
Website owners often want to change their websites, improving design and function. But do they need to? Research suggests leaving well alone might be a good option.
People pay more when they are asked to pay what they think an item is worth. They also pay more if they are paying for another customer.
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