Category: Online Business

Online Business :: We are not alone

Running an online business can sometimes feel very lonely. There you are sat at your PC trying to market and sell your products and services without anyone to speak to other than the cat. One well known psychological fact is that performance is boosted when we are in social situations

Online Business :: How much is your web site a “business”?

Yesterday, I was in the midst of a speech when a member of the audience shot their hand up, apparently to ask a question. I paused, smiled and invited the member of the audience to speak. “You’re not talking about the Internet at all,” he said. “What you are really

Online Business :: You can’t do it on your own

Running an online business can be tremendously lonely. Many people I meet who are trying to make money online are doing it on their own. Even in the corporate world the people who are organising their company’s online activities are comparatively lonely – very few people in big business understand

Online Business :: Be like a circus performer

Yesterday I went to the circus with my son, Elliot. It was the famous “Billy Smart’s Circus” – the one I remember from my own childhood. Elliot sat transfixed, mouth open wide, as the first act arrived – a group of men and women who climbed like monkeys up huge

Businesses need to look to psychologists for help

Several years ago I sat at a lunchtime event in an upstairs room of a small cafe in Nebwury, Berkshire, UK. Not a very posh place, but it’s where Vodafone announced to the local business community that it was working on something called “GSM” which would take mobile phones into

Big business is catching up with the Internet – at last

If you’ve heard me speak in public, you’ll know that one of the regular themes I talk about is the fact that a business needs several web sites, not just one. In the offline world, few businesses have one point of contact. But in the online world they seem to

The Internet is a lifestyle choice: that means opportunities for business

The annual Mediascope survey confirms that the Internet is fast becoming a “lifestyle” thing. By that I mean it is being incorporated into everyday living for many people; as normal as watching TV, reading a newspaper or driving to work. No longer is the Internet seen as something “new fangled”.

Internet Intermediaries Face Uncertain Future

If you needed any more evidence that the intermediary market is disappearing, you only need to look at the latest info from Hilton Hotels. The company has just reported that it expects to get $2.5b in online bookings for this year, compared with just over $700m four years ago. The

Promote your online business using accountancy software..!

Who would have thought it? But in a few weeks time you will be able to promote your business on the Internet using your humble accounting software. Intuit, the makers of QuickBooks, have announced that their next upgraded product due out soon, will include the ability to link your products to

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