Category: Online Business

Small business owners are unsure about online advertising

Researchers at Microsoft have discovered that small business owners have a number of fears when it comes to promoting their business online. Nine out of every ten firms with an online presence have never tried to use any form of paid search marketing. Amazing! Google, for instance, is raking in

This is why the banks are in a mess – and other businesses too

Goldman Sachs has announced today that it is “thinking about” running an Internet bank. Hang on a minute – I thought they were a bank. Indeed, their web site says, for instance, “Goldman Sachs offers comprehensive wealth management services, including private banking products and services, to our high net worth

Big business is killing itself by its attitude to the Internet

Researchers at the Chartered Institute of Management (CIM) are reported to have discovered that most companies are failing to embrace the Internet. Indeed, around one in every eight companies admit to imposing “curfews” on Internet usage, preventing employees from accessing the web at particular hours of the day. Are they

Is it any wonder Woolies went bust?

Employees at Woolworths wake up this morning not knowing if they are going to have a job much longer. Not the kind of news that 25,000 people want just a month before Christmas, but sadly their company has gone into administration. Woolies owes its creditors some £385m – a debt

No one is safe in a recession – even Google is in trouble

If you think your business can survive the recession – think long and hard. The world’s biggest bank had to be baled out by the US Government yesterday, the historical Lehman Brothers has disappeared and leading car makers are on the verge of bankruptcy. Now, even Google is in trouble.

Your web site should avoid anything that can break

Users of your web site are less likely to return if your site breaks or doesn’t work properly. People get frustrated by slow loading, by the addition of technologies that work only in certain circumstances or where your web site is simply too technologically “clever”. The latest “gadget survey” by

How not to get more business online

Small business owners are all seeking one thing at the moment – more business. Everywhere you look, small businesses are in need of extra custom. Whether it’s the recession, the credit crunch or just plain greed doesn’t matter – what matters is the fact that this is such a common

Is the Internet your best friend?

Before the Internet came along there were two main ways of finding suitable suppliers for things we wanted to buy. If we knew we wanted something but didn’t know who to get it from, the first thing we used to do was ask a friend or colleague. And if they

Expose your knol for even more publicity for your online business

Exposing your knowledge online is a principal way of doing business these days. The reason is that potential customers want to see what you are about; they want to experience you. In the past, they had to arrange a meeting with you – then you had to follow-up and it

Products make you more believable online

People love to see evidence that something or someone is what they claim to be. It’s all very well having a web site that points out you are the most brilliant expert in your field, but without any evidence your web site visitors will not believe you. One way, of

Online Business

The Johari Window and your web site

Psychologists sometimes use the “Johari Window” to help demonstrate aspects of the self. the “window” was invented by two researcher – Joe and Harry – and their “Johari Window” has become a common feature of many self development courses and text books. A new article on the Johari Window puts

Why your web site must be a good experience

Visitors to your web site need to have a good experience. Firstly the pages must provide what they were looking for. Then you need good navigation so they can easily find their way around. And you need a search facility so they can look up specific items without having to

What journeys do your customers make?

Your customers are unlikely to arrive at your web site without having been somewhere else first; even if they are time travellers, like Dr Who, and they suddenly port themselves from outer space to your web pages, they will have been somewhere else first. Understanding how people got to your

Online Business

Could you run your business without the Internet?

The UK supermarket, Sainsbury’s, is rather red-faced at the moment. For the past 24 hours it has been unable to operate it’s online store, costing it around £1m in lost revenue. That’s bad enough, but the company has also had to face several media stories about its failure, such as

Content Marketing

Unique content is vital on your web site

Marketing experts are constantly banging on about our “USP” – our unique selling proposition; for anyone to be interested in us we need to be different. Online, uniqueness is even more important. There are just too many place to go, sites to visit and people to contact who all do

Assumption is your enemy when it comes to online business

People often assume things about the Internet, yet frequently those assumptions turn out to be incorrect. For instance, many business owners I meet assume, it seems, that email marketing is dead. Yet, despite the problems caused by spam, email marketing is still the most successful method of selling online. Another

Online Business

What Internet Marketers can learn from golfers

Golfers the world over have their eyes fixed on San Diego this week because it is the start of the US Open Golf Tournament. The world’s top golfers are chasing one of the top prizes in the International game and they will do everything they possibly can to prevent the

Web design is not that important

Business owners who decide to set up a web site, or revamp an existing one, seem to always start by talking to web designers. The discussions then get focused on the look and “feel” of the site, colours and site structure. Apart from the fact that this takes the business