Category: Online Business

Online Business

What your online business can learn from the snow heroes

All across the UK people are becoming “snow heroes”. Stories of bravery and amazing support are filling our newspapers. Indeed the newspapers themselves are taking part in the snow hero lark. Politicians are not to be out-done of course, singing their praises for snow heroes. And websites are even making

Online Business

Double planning will really boost your website

Millions of people are trapped in their homes at the moment thanks to the ice and snow. We might all moan about the country grinding to a halt, but unlike Canada or Norway, which experiences worse than this every year, it surely is not worthwhile investing in the equipment and

Online Business

Plan for the long term and your website will be much better

Psychologists at Kansas State University have shown that if you look to the longer term future you tend to make more positive decisions. They looked at the example of healthcare decision-making and demonstrated that if people were able to look at a large, long-term reward, rather than short-term gain, they

Online Business

Sometimes, technology is not the answer online

Ask someone who runs a website what they need to get to the top of the search engines. Or chat to a web designer and try to wheedle out of them the best way to design a web page. In both these situations, the chances are you will get advice

Online Business

Online customers are highly sensitive to your prices

How much are your customers willing to pay for what you sell? Getting the price right is notoriously difficult – especially online thanks to a plethora of price comparison sites. However, new research from Korea (where Internet usage is amongst the highest in the world) suggests that companies should not

Online Business

Would Simon Cowell say your website has the X Factor?

Simon Cowell is, of course, the real winner of The X Factor in spite of the deserved win last night of 18-year-old Joe McElderry.  Even though Joe has been awarded a £1m prize contract, Simon Cowell’s company, Syco, is likely to make much, much more. Whatever you might think about Mr

Online Business

Tiger Woods reveals a crucial requirement for great online business

Tiger Woods has a clear reputation problem at the moment – which will no doubt compound his personal, family issues. At the moment the world is full of rumour, allegation and speculation; none of it is known fact, largely because Tiger Woods appears poorly advised on what to do. He

Online Business

Here is the news….Britain is late…again…!

News is, well, new. It’s stuff that’s either an update on information we already know, or it is brand, spanking new. Newspapers are not called “oldspapers” after all…what they give us is (relatively) new material. Online, of course, “new” means “within the last few seconds”; the race to be the

Stop moaning about the problems the Internet causes your business

Fed up with the ever growing range of technologies and websites your business needs to know about? Is that information overload getting you down? Or what about the need to get training and development for all manner of new devices and online systems, such as Twitter or Google Wave? The

Be careful who advises you about the Internet

Who advises you about SEO or Pay Per Click? Do they ever say that things are tough? Perhaps. Who helps you with your business planning? Does he or she ever tell you about difficulties? If you answer “yes” to questions like this, you need to change your advisers – fast.

Online Business

Have you got an Internet Mentor yet?

Mentor was such a wise and trusted ancient Greek, that Odysseus put him in charge of his son when he had to go off to the Trojan War. It is from that – via a book written in 1699 – that we now end up with the process of “mentoring”

Online Business

Web mail scam is all your fault…!

The current wave of email scams using Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo! mail are down to two simple psychological factors. And one of these is so common, you are bound to “suffer” from it as well. And thanks to that, many people are innocently helping the scammers do their worst. Cybercriminals

Online Business

Small business websites fail to focus

Owners of small businesses have one thing in common – they are focused entirely on their business. It’s their “baby” and they nurture it, care for it and are keen to ensure it develops well – just like any good parent. But therein lies the problem for small business owners;

Online Business

Take more time online to increase chances of success

Liverpool footballer, Steven Gerrard, missed a penalty in 2006 when playing for England in the World Cup – and, according to new research, that miss could have been down to timing. The Norwegian School of Sports Sciences has discovered a possible link between the time taken to kick a penalty

Online Business

Online advertising industry continues to delude itself

Advertising executives appear to be determined to prove that their industry really is worth it. Take a look at the latest whizzer idea from Eyeblaster – “dwell rates“. Apparently, we “dwell” on online advertising considerably more than we click through. According to the research, on average, we are 25 times

Online Business

Training is vital to achieve your internet goals

For the second time in a week, Usain Bolt has stunned us all with another amazing, world record performance. Yet, anyone in the know in the world of athletics could have predicted this five years ago when Bolt was doing so well in the junior competitions in Jamaica. Indeed, all

Online Business

Google proves advertising is a worthless activity

Google’s Chief Economist, Hal Varian, has put the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons this week by announcing that it doesn’t matter which position your AdWords advert turns up in – the conversion rate stays pretty much the same. In other words, all the effort to get the copy right, to

Online Business

Your website does not deserve a holiday

You may well deserve a holiday, but does your website? What happens when your webmaster takes a break, should your website relax as well? Have you even thought whether or not your blog needs time off? At this time of year business owners head to the beach, but does that