Category: Online Business

Make yourself ideal to your online customers
Internet Marketing

You should be ideal for your online customers

Do your online customers love you? I mean really love you? The chances are your business is merely “acceptable” to your customers. Few businesses are loved, or adored by their customers. Indeed, for many customers you are not even the ideal business of your kind – you are probably just

You are the most important thing online
Online Business

Tailor your website to increase success

Smokers face a tough choice: give up cigarettes, improve their health and save money – or – avoid the battle of dealing with a strong addiction by carrying on smoking. For decades health professionals have struggled to ensure that smokers give up. Indeed, many people who smoke want to stop

Goggles might be dangerous. Really?
Online Business

Boost your online business by avoiding stereotypes

Pen-pushing health and safety experts are being blamed for the latest “ban” to afflict children. In another example of “health and safety gone mad” children in in Oxfordshire are being banned from wearing goggles when swimming because there is the “danger” that these protective devices might snap onto a youngster’s

Facebook is blocked by many businesses
Online Business

Facebook obviously confuses businesses

Facebook is the most blocked website in the world. According to the annual report from OpenDNS, even though pornorgraphy is the most blocked category, Facebook is the single site which is picked out to be blocked more than any other. Indeed, only 1% of users of OpenDNS block Playboy, but

Colonel Gadaffi
Online Business

Colonel Gaddafi shows you the route to online success

David Cameron is appalled at what Colonel Gaddafi has been doing in Libya. But it appears that what he is actually doing is sealing his own fate – the inevitable end of his regime. New psychological research shows that when people are faced with a choice, they inevitably focus on

Size Matters - bigger is better online
Online Business

Size matters in the online world where bigger is better

If your site has more pages, it is perceived – albeit in a rough and ready fashion – as potentially more valuable than a smaller site. It’s yet another reason as to why you need to be adding as much content to your website as you possibly can.

Being angry online could cost companies a lot
Online Business

Take care – YOU could be the next Andy Gray

The millionaire ex-football pundit, Andy Gray, faced a barrage of criticism and his inevitable sacking after making overly sexist remarks about women. His remarks have been both defended and attacked – whether you think this is “just banter” or the “thinking of a dinosaur” is not the point. What’s important

Online psychology
Online Business

Shock, horror – your online customers might not tell you the truth

What was the last thing you downloaded? Was it a video, an ebook or a music track? The chances are you can remember what you bought online recently. But can you recall why you bought it or downloaded it? New research suggests that we think we know, but actually we

Online Business

Falling Comet reveals businesses are poles apart

You can bet that William Hill is enjoying the media coverage it is getting today. In spite of the bad weather at the end of last year, the betting business is banking extra takings and reporting much higher than expected profits. Meanwhile, over at the electrical retailer, Comet, they are

Floods in Brisbane
Online Business

Australian floods are a warning to online businesses

The people of Brisbane and other flooded areas of Queensland, Australia, could never have expected the disaster that has beset them. Even though there is a history of metres-deep flooding in the area, the last time it happened was 37 years ago. That means it is outside the daily consciousness

Online Business

Daily diet of exercises will improve your website’s fitness

The former Playboy “Playmate” Kendra Wilkinson appears on ABC TV tonight in a documentary about her battle with her weight. It is one of dozens of TV programs and “celebrity specials” about dieting or getting fit. It is, of course, the time of year when you can get “special deals”

Online Business

VAT rise shows what you should do to your website

Labour leader Ed Miliband reckons that today’s VAT increase will hit small businesses hard. True – if you don’t understand much about business. The increase of 2.5% to a new VAT rate of 20% will not actually cost most businesses anything. If you are VAT registered you can claim it

Your customers could start ignoring you

Right at this moment what do you think your customers are doing? Go on, have a guess. They could, of course, be in their office. Or they might be on the train. They could be having a swim, eating a snack, downloading something they shouldn’t or kissing their loved ones.

Online Business

How to check your online suppliers are up to the job

Prime Minister David Cameron must be rather upset with his own security services. It seems they informed President Barack Obama within five minutes of discovering a suspect package at East Midlands airport, yet they took 11 hours to let Mr Cameron know. Apparently, “Whitehall sources” have said that “lessons can

Online Business

How to keep your head above water on the internet

Thames Water can stop leaks it seems, but is unable to run email properly Customers of Thames Water must be gasping at the stupidity of the company. They have admitted an “email error” which allowed 4,000 emails they were sent to go unnoticed for seven years…! The mind boggles. How

Online Business

X-ray vision needed to see through business clutter

Martin Broughton, the Chairman of British Airways, has stirred up controversy by suggesting that some of the security checks we go through at an airport are unnecessary. He has a point. I asked an airport security officer recently why I needed to take my laptop out of my bag. After

Online Business

You need the online competition to fail

We learn more from the mistakes of our competitors than their successes Liverpool football fans are gob-smacked, no doubt, by the latest goings-on in the trans-Atlantic tussle for the club they love. In years to come, it will probably be a case study on MBA courses across the globe. But

Online Business

Forget money to become richer online

Simon Cowell – does he worry about money?Picture courtesy: Wiki Edit Jonny There are two things we know about X-Factor judge Simon Cowell for sure: one is he is very rich, two, he knows loads of people in the entertainment industry. From a business perspective it is interesting to think