Category: Online Business

Man reading book in living room smiling
Internet Marketing

Novel way to understand your online customers

The Archbishop of Canterbury has added his voice to a growing campaign which is urging the Government to alter its plans on welfare reform. Behind their argument is the notion that the Government simply does not understand the plight of the millions of people trapped in relative poverty. We’ve heard

Internet Marketing

Online, the message matters most

Today you have a test. Find something that really, truly interests you and start reading it online. Follow the links and continue reading. Simple. Now look at the address of the website you reach at the end. You could well find it is entirely different to the one you started

Leaning Tower of Pisa and Cathedral
Internet Marketing

How to get more sales by positioning your prices correctly

So, here’s a conundrum: which way does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean? Does it lean to the left, or to the right? It rather depends, of course, which way you are looking at it. But the chances are, if you look at the Tower and it appears to be

Internet Marketing

Internet experts could be wrong

Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales, spoke last week in Gateshead as part of a BBC Radio 3 lecture series. The man behind the world’s most popular encyclopaedia was keen to point out that he was not really an Internet guru, rather he was someone who simply had a vision of making

Woman's Weekly provides lessons for online business

Online businesses can learn from Woman’s Weekly

This week, Woman’s Weekly magazine is 100 years old. Happy Birthday, old gal. And in spite of the magazine market exploding since the introduction of the 1d (one old penny) magazine, it remains the best performing magazine in the sector, with sales slightly up in a market that has seen

Packaging sells products
Online Business

You need to wrap things up online

The latest smartphone from Nokia might just sell. Not because it is brilliant – it might be for all I know – but because it is brightly coloured. Most mobile phones are the same colour – sort of grey, silver, black combinations. The white iPhone was massively attractive, of course

Google Blog on Secure Search
Online Business

Google makes another negative move – for your business and your children

Google has announced that it is “making search more secure”. What it is doing is ensuring that for all people who are logged into Google at the “dot com” site their searches will be encrypted. This, according to Google, is because search is “personal”. So, my first question is: what

Woman hands on red dress
Online Business

You must tell your friends their website is rubbish

What do you say when your partner asks “does my bum look big in this”? Do you think, well, actually, yes, it does make your butt look enormous and then say “That’s the perfect colour for you darling.” Or do you risk tears and tantrums by saying, “Sorry dear, but

Online Business

Your website relies on social pressure

Teenagers simply “have to” get involved in sending “sext” messages – the mobile phone messages that reveal their sexual activity and which also may include nude imagery. A new study shows that if they don’t “sext” they feel left out. In other words, they do it because “everyone” is doing

Blogging is cost effective
Online Business

Blogging is the most cost effective method of getting new business

Amanda Knox (R), the U.S. student convicted of murdering her British flatmate Meredith Kercher in Italy in November 2007, arrives in court after a break during her appeal trial session in Perugia September 30, 2011. Knox, jailed for 26 years, and her Italian ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, are fighting their convictions

Jonathan Ross has personality
Online Business

Online businesses depend on just four words

So TV celebrity Jonathan Ross is back on our TV screens in what looks like a remake of the David Letterman show. Whatever you think about these rather loud-mouthed chat show presenters, there can be no doubt that they both have personality. Of course, we all have a personality –

Face width is important in business
Online Business

Want to succeed online? Get a fat face to run your website…!

Psychologists often find strange relationships between our behaviour and our body shape. Recent research from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has discovered that profitable companies require a fat-faced leader…! According to the research, Fortune 500 companies who had leaders with wide faces made more profits than businesses where the leaders were

Steve Jobs
Internet Marketing

How to sell to people who do not want to buy

Steve Jobs is one of the world’s most famous followers of Buddhism – a religion not associated with consumerism and buying all the trappings of desire. His resignation from the post of CEO of Apple may signal failing health – or it may tell us he simply wants to slow

What do people think of your brand?
Online Business

Online branding is taken to heart

Do you love LinkedIn? Are you a fan of Facebook? Do you adore Amazon? The chances are that online you have a brand which you are strongly connected with. And you will defend that brand with all your might – even if you don’t logically want to accept you do.

Believe in yourself and you will succeed
Online Business

Lack of online success is a self-fulfilling prophecy

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I’ll go an eat worms….!  These are the first words of a children’s nursery rhyme, made popular in the mid-1970s by the punk band, The Boys. But it’s also the song my mother sang to me whenever I was feeling sorry for myself.

Online Business

Can we learn from Hackergate?

The Prime Minister David Cameron is busy today answering questions from politicians trying to score points against him. His problem is he employed Andy Coulson, a former editor of the News of the World – the newspaper which illegally hacked into phones, paid the police for information and brought the reputation of three

Using the web for personal stuff at work boosts business
Online Business

The web is not a work time-waster after all

So, News of the World journalists now have more time on their hands. Plenty of time it seems to vent their spleen on Twitter, or get embroiled in arguments on Facebook. True enough, plenty of good journalists have now lost their jobs while their bosses who seemingly sanctioned illegal payments

Do not buy the News of the World
Online Business

The News of the World suggests you should review your website security

So, The News of the World has plumbed new depths of depravity by hacking into the phone messages of grief-stricken relatives of victims of the 7th July terrorism attacks in London. This news comes just days after we discovered that they also listened to – and deleted some – messages