Category: Social

Ed Miliband

This will make you really cross: make your customers laugh at you…!

Ed Miliband has made British strikers angry today; he has distanced himself from their action, saying it is wrong. (Quick aside: why is it called “action” when striking actually means NOT doing something…?) Anyway, I digress, the result of his Tweet this morning has been that strikers have become more

We need to meet face to face

Face to face is essential for online people

American Congressman, Anthony Weiner is probably regretting he ever sent a former porn star a photo of his private parts via his mobile phone; he has had to resign from his position of power. But he is not the first person to be involved in a “sexting” scandal – sending

Some people may regret what they post on Facebook

Are Facebook users stupid?

Joanne Fraill, a hitherto unknown mother of three from Manchester, is going down in history as the first ever person to face criminal prosecution for the inappropriate use of the Internet during a Crown Court trial. If you haven’t caught up with the news, Ms Fraill used Facebook to contact

Sepp Blatter
Online Business

How to prevent Twitter from leading you to prison

Sepp Blatter is coming in for a lot of online stick today. The much-criticised President of FIFA appears to be somewhat oblivious to the highly vocal complaints that international football is in crisis. Allegations of corruption are flying around and on Twitter, for instance, you’ll find plenty of people willing


Why Twitter has made a $40m mistake buying Tweetdeck

So, after all the rumours and speculation Twitter has bought Tweetdeck for a whopping $40m. Big mistake chaps. If you didn’t already know it, Tweetdeck is an application for managing social network information, in particular Twitter. On its own, Twitter is pretty much useless. The front page is of no

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg

Why Mark Zuckerberg is right about the under-13s

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg has caused a wave of controversy by saying that he wants to fight for the right of children under the age of 13 to use Facebook. At the moment it is illegal in the USA for social web companies to allow registrations of those under the

Social Media Expert Reid Hoffman

Social media requires the human touch

Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn is set to make a tidy sum when his social media site goes public later today. Estimates vary, of course, but when shares start selling today, Hoffman will become a multi-millionaire. Nice. I was speaking at a conference in London a year or so

Mashable provides constant content
Online Business

How to succeed online the Mashable way

The twenty-five-year-old Scot, Pete Cashmore, is an Internet superstar; six years ago, aged just 19, he started a humble blog, Mashable, which is now one of the world’s most influential and most widely read websites. This weekend he entertained an exclusive audience of 300 people at Disneyland in Florida at

Plan to add content every day
Online Business

You need to update your website every day

Prince William saved a judge’s life last week in one of three mountain rescues he was involved in. Of course, you already knew he was back at work after his wedding. And you will have read that he and his new wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, are soon to set

Cheryl Cole and Simon Cowell
Online Business

Re-Tweeting is essential to your online brand

So, Cheryl Cole is to be a judge in the US version of X-Factor. Who would have guessed? Most of us probably. So how did she get the gig? Well, apart from knowing the right people – i.e. Simon Cowell – she was also a pretty obvious candidate. In the

Email marketing works

Email beats Facebook in online marketing

Everywhere you look these days there is advice on social media marketing; you can hardly move for all the media coverage of Facebook and Twitter. Indeed, you would think that is all there is to the online world if you had just landed here from another planet. Want to know

Online activity could help your brain

Social networks could boost your brain

As I write this the TV and online news sites are full of the death of Osama Bin Laden. With it are flash-backs to 11th September 2001 – some of which remind us of things we had forgotten. Whilst we can remember specific events like the collapse of the twin

The Ocean Countess Cruise Ship

Social networks will boost empathy with your customers

I feel really sorry for Janet Richardson, the 73-year-old grandmother who was accidentally dropped into the ice-cold sea by paramedics as they tried to take her from her holiday cruise ship, the Ocean Countess, to hospital in Norway. I don’t know her and I’ve never been dropped into the sea

James Naughtiein the Daily Telegraph

Stop being business-like to boost credibility

The BBC presenter James Naughtie and his producer got into a bit of hot water again recently over a simple Tweet. A few weeks ago it was swearing online, now it is staying at a Japanese “love hotel”. Indeed, the Tweet caused such a fuss within the BBC that the


Did Prince Charles or the Pope invent Twitter?

His Royal Highness Prince Charles was responsible for a considerable change in the conversation in Washington, DC, when he and his wife – Princess Diana at that time – were due to visit the political centre of the USA. Some eight weeks before the couple’s planned visit in 1985 the

Red Nose Day for Comic Relief

How to improve your website by connecting with happy people

Tomorrow is the “Comic Relief” Red Nose Day in the UK, where comedians take over the BBC for the day to make us laugh – and in return we dig deep into our pockets and provide cash to support people in real need. During the day activities will take place


Facebook is good for you – perhaps

How are you today? Bright and breezy and happy with your lot? Well, if you are smiling, positive and generally feeling good about yourself the chances are you have just had a quick peek at your Facebook Wall. According to research from Cornell University people who look at their Facebook