Category: Social

Julie gets a cup of tea thanks to Twitter

Finally, Twitter CAN make a cup of tea…!

Twitter can do a lot of things – but now it can even make tea…! Poorly Coronation Street actress Julie Hesmondhalgh, who plays Hayley Cropper, who managed to haul herself from her sick-bed yesterday afternoon to walk the dog and pick up the kids obviously had to return to bed

Does the web unite or divide?

The Internet unites people separately

The dream of Sir Tim Berners-Lee is to have a World Wide Web that is “free and open” and which extends its “benefits to all people on the planet”. It is a dream which means everyone benefits from being connected, learning from each other and sharing in that new-found knowledge.

Brain Testing
Internet Marketing

How to beat Facebook

Facebook engages its visitors better than other websites according to a new study. But the research reveals how you can take on Facebook.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens would have loved the Internet

Charles Dickens was born 200 years ahead of his time. Today the world celebrates his birth back in 1812 when the notion of the World Wide Web would have been science fiction. But had Dickens been around today there is little doubt he would have loved the Internet, would have

Twitter of Facebook

Twitter users prefer information to being social

Twitter is a great social network – after all, you can have quick conversations with people, sharing your thoughts about a TV programme “live”, or commenting on a soccer player’s mishaps on the field with other Tweeters in the stadium. You can even tell people you are eating a cheese

Truth or lies online

Don’t be too honest on Facebook

Facebook users are nothing if not honest. Several studies have shown that we are frequently more truthful online than we are in the flesh. Want to know the “real person” you meet? Take a look at what they say on Facebook and other social networks and you’ll glimpse parts of

Profile pictures depend on your eyes

Profile pictures online should be baby-faced

What is the first thing you look at when you land on someone’s social network profile page? When you look at an “About Us” web page, where do your eyes go? If you are like the bulk of Internet users you will focus your attention on the eyes of the

Names affect us
Online Business

Stephen Hester cannot help it – you should blame his Mum and Dad

Stephen Hester, the embattled boss of the Royal Bank of Scotland, cannot help being the current most-disliked man in Britain. It is not his fault that his employers decided to pay him £1.2m a year. Neither is he to blame that they decided to give him a bonus worth almost

Two birds tweeting

Twitter can manipulate your behaviour

Twitter is not necessarily doing what you think it does. Rather than being the place where you send out short messages to your friends and colleagues it may be the place where your behaviour is manipulated by software. Researchers in Boston, USA, have discovered that “Twitter bots” can change our

Search engine results can change your views
Online Business

Is the social media world destroying our online business?

Social media importance is overplayed for local businesses according to new research. Furthermore, the internet itself appears to be seen as more important than it actually is in helping promote a business.

Baby with laptop

Babies can teach us how to use the internet

Protesters who tried to break into a corporate building in London today may have a point about the unfair distribution of wealth, but they are probably going about it the wrong way. Many people reckon the protesters should find something better to do, others call for harsher punishments for loutish