Category: Social

Little and often will make you happy with social networking

The businessman at the back of the room wasn’t that happy. When I asked an audience of business owners if any of them had used social networking one man at the back put up his hand: “I tried it once but it didn’t do me any good,” he said. In

Oh dear – we’re back to the banning Facebook debate….again…!

How good to see a “major think tank” so up-to-date with thinking….! According to Demos “Bosses should embrace Facebook“. Apparently, says Demos, it could be counter productive to stop staff using Facebook. Now, forgive me a moment while I blow my own trumpet – but isn’t that exactly what I

Social networks could help you live longer

Taking part in social networking could help you live longer – providing you network online with younger people. According to researchers from the University of Iowa there is a genetic basis for a long-known phenomenon – animals that socialise with younger members of their species tend to live longer than

“Facebook killer” shouldn’t blame the social networking site

Wayne Forrester, a 34-year-old lorry driver was from Croydon was jailed for life today after admitting that he killed his wife, Emma. In mitigation he claimed that it was what Emma wrote on Facebook that drove him to his actions. The result is instant headlines like “Facebook killer jailed for

Recruiters use social networking in a predictable way

Recruiters are using social networking sites in a rather predictable way. According to a survey by Career Builder, just over a quarter of companies are using or plan to use social networking sites to make hiring decisions. Apparently, potential employers say they wouldn’t give a job to someone who doesn’t

Business survival depends on social networking

Ask most advertisers and they’ll tell you they are really trying to reach people around 25-35 years old. Why? Well, they are the people with most disposable income and most likely to spend money. True enough, it does depend on the product you are selling – few young people are

Social networkers want more from your business

Two new studies suggest that businesses need to be doing more on social networks. Indeed, most businesses appear to be ignoring social networks, believing them to be the preserve of students. However, a study by the brand strategy consultancy Cone has found that a whopping 93% of people want businesses

Should you worry if your online social group isn’t very active?

Social networkers who form groups, clubs and the like, often worry that they are not getting enough participation. They point to the fact that even though many people may have registered, few take part. Indeed, there are social networking clubs and forums dedicated to helping club owners increase their participant

Business leaders fail to understand social web

More evidence has been published which shows that big business has failed to grasp the value of the social web. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts discovered that the social web has not caught on in the big corporates. Technologies such as blogging appear to have passed them by. The


Facebook’s legal action could discourage web users

Facebook is seeking a jury trial in the USA to get a German web site shut down. Shall I repeat that? It does sound stupid doesn’t it, but as various news services have reported, Facebook is taking the German site StudiVZ to court. In essence, StudiVZ is a German social


Facebook generation is doomed apparently

Teenagers who have grown up with the Internet as part of their world are facing a potential danger, according to a paper presented at today’s Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. According to Dr Himansu Tyagi, from London, social networking sites could lead to identity problems in some

Social networks are really boring

Women are natural social networkers; indeed the stereotype of “chatty” women (false as it is) suggests that the world of social networking is a natural place for women to go online. And you wouldn’t be wrong. A new analysis of more than 50 million social networking members shows that women

Your social networking friends are just chance happenings

Friends are people we share common interests with, who have the same values and morals, who cheer us up when we are down and who truly understand us. At least that’s what we would like to think. However, new research from psychologists in Leipzig shows that friendships are actually down

Focused social networking – the way to go…!

People gravitate towards people like themselves. We all love people like us; anyone who is a bit different we tend to shy away from. It’s the same online – we tend to “hang out” in groups and clubs in places like Facebook and Ecademy where the people we meet are


Social networks are the place to be

Researchers at the Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California have just published their report on the consequences and benefits of children going online. However, embedded within the report are some interesting facts that every online business needs to think about. Firstly, the annual study shows

Social networking may be in your genes

Some people are avid social networkers and build up huge numbers of “connections” and “friends” online. Take a look at Thomas Power, the Chairman of Ecademy, for instance. He has over 15,000 contacts in Ecademy and almost as many in LinkedIn. Does he really know all those people? If you

Banning Facebook will be counter-productive for businesses

A new report for the recruitment industry reveals a massive increase in the number of companies that are banning the use of Facebook at work. The survey shows that seven out of ten companies now have banning orders in place to prevent their staff from using Facebook. That’s double the