Category: Social


Twitter study proves your website needs to be entertaining

Entertainers top the charts on a study of Twitter influence. According to the phone manufacturer, INQ, the most influential people on Twitter are mostly entertainers and celebrity sports people. Fourteen of the Top 20 influencers are entertainers and well-known sporting legends. There are only two business people in the list


Facebook is right on the button for safety

Children who get bullied online should rightly be protected; so too should adults who get “cyberbullied” as it is called. Today, though, a major row has erupted between the police and Facebook over a seemingly innocuous little “button” that helps people cope with online abuse. Jim Gamble, the CEO of


Twitter and Facebook could significantly change human health

What’s the biggest breakthrough in human health in the last couple of hundred years do you reckon? is it antibiotics? Or, perhaps, anaesthetics? Or what about scanner technology? In spite of these significant developments in human medicine, they are not as revolutionary in health terms as the installation of sanitation.


Are you socially isolated?

Imagine teenagers in their bedrooms right now, hunched over their laptop, tapping away on their keyboard and checking out their favourite tracks on iTunes or MySpace. It’s an image that many “do-gooders” would have us believe is all too common and which is really bad for youngsters. Will using the


Twitter is dead – long live Twitter

Twitter users love the system and are very passionate about the benefits it brings them. But increasingly, Twitter is looking like it is on its deathbed. High profile celebrities, such as Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana) have left Twitter and Stephen Fry threatened to leave but returned. Facebook continues to rise,

Listen up….your customers are talking about you

Now don’t get paranoid, but as you sit there reading this, someone, somewhere in the world is probably talking about you. If you are in business – and particularly if you run a big business – there’s little doubt that people are mentioning your name, or your products, in pubs,

Business leaders show double standards on social networks

Business leaders in the corporate world are showing double standards as far as social networking is concerned. A new study reveals that half of American companies ban the use of Facebook in the office. Yet at the same time businesses use Facebook to research potential employees. It seems that what’s


Social media increases income and profits

Most business people are social networking “wallflowers”. They sit on the sidelines looking in,  but don’t take part. Indeed, in spite of all the buzz about Facebook, for instance, 80% of the world’s Internet users haven’t even signed up for it. And of the 300m people who have joined, most


Social networks should reward you for good behaviour

Social networkers often find they are in breach of “rules”. Last week, for instance, players in the US Open Tennis championships were warned against using Twitter. They are not alone, the National Football League in the USA has banned the use of Twitter in some circumstances. And social networks themselves


Social networking at work might signal unhappiness

American social scientists have been spying on mobile phone users to find out exactly what they are doing. It’s all part of an ongoing international research project in the USA, Finland and Kenya which has shown that we tend to prefer to network with people close to us. In spite


Twitter has been hijacked, which is good and bad

Twitter users have forced the owners of the popular website to change direction. The users have effectively hijacked the site and led to a visible change in what Twitter is about. When Twitter was launched it asked “What are you doing?”. But the front page now says “Share and discover


Don’t social network with the opposite sex – its does your brain in

Men who social network with women could be affecting their brain power. New research on male-female interaction suggests that when men are talking to women, their brains spend much of their effort on trying to impress, which reduces their ability to think clearly. If you are using social networks to


Heya dude, wassup? u r lookin cool, rite?

Heya dude. U r so coooool. I gonna check u out rite now. Whoops…..sorry….I somehow seemed to slip into another personality for a while. But that’s the problem with many people on social networks and many websites; the owners try to pretend to be modern, hip, cool, by using the


How you can use Twitter and Facebook to be persuasive

Twitter and Facebook users hold tremendous power over the rest of us – if only they knew it…! Within social networks like these, there lies a range of tools that help establish psychological “authority” which is one of the most powerful means of persuasion known. Indeed, used wisely, Twitter and


Unhub helps your website visitors find you everywhere

Website owners often have a real problem thanks to the burgeoning impact of Web 2.0 technologies. The issues is this: most people active online these days have several places which they can call “home”. They have a web site, a Facebook page, a Twitter page, not to mention Ecademy, Squidoo


Pre-internet study proves value of social networking

Social networkers are usually quite nice people; they are, after all, social. Even though in the corners of Facebook or the alcoves of Twitter you’ll come across a nasty piece of work, generally the vast majority of people you meet online are easy to get on with. Arguments tend to

Content Marketing

Twitter set to replace Google for content search

Twitter could replace Google as a place to go to find useful content. New analysis from Hitwise Intelligence shows a remarkable difference in how people use these two services. It seems that around one in three searches on Google are for transactional sites – we are frequently looking to buy


You must keep your customers at arm’s length online

Customers shouldn’t become your friends in places like Facebook. That’s the conclusion you can draw from new research from the University of Pennsylvania which looked at the whole basis for friendship. When we see people as true friends, we appear to change the way we relate to the individuals. The