Category: Social


Get higher fees by using social networks

Engaging in social media could boost your income Peter Morgan is the Director of Communications at Rolls Royce – and he is not a fan of social media. Indeed, at a recent corporate communications meeting he largely said it was a waste of time. He was scathing about the potential


Twitter is not a new idea

The celebrity Tweeter, Amanda Holden, was “told off” last night by her producers at ITV for using her mobile during Britain’s Got Talent this week to send tweets. Apparently she was seen on camera sending her little messages during the live show. How do we know she was told off?


It is not how many friends you have but where they are that counts

It’s not the numbers of people you know that counts, but who they are and where they come from No wonder David Cameron keeps smiling; the Conservative Party has more friends on Facebook than any of the other main political parties. According to a recent report, the Tories had over

Employees prefer free social networking to extra pay

Some commentators would have you believe that the Internet is the root of all evil. They cite the evidence produced earlier this week which shows that we are spending more hours online than ever before and that the bulk of that time is spent on social networking sites, like Facebook.


Social networking fails to reach out to people

These people will make better use of Twitter and Facebook than many of their children Late tonight, all across the UK, groups of people will be getting together for a party to celebrate their, er, Party…! Strange as it may seem, but people do have fun on Election Night to


Social networks could harm your productivity

Friends at work are important to your productivity Friends are hugely important to you in the workplace. Research has consistently demonstrated that when you have friends at work, you perform better. If you go to work and don’t have any friends who work with you, or if you don’t really


Facebook achieves world domination

When Willie Walsh took over as CEO of British Airways in 2005 he was handed a poisoned chalice. The former “World’s Favourite Airline” was no longer the darling of the skies. And the company was surrounded by negativity and a hostile press. Add to that a powerful staff union, disgruntled


Think social, not company

Decision makers in small businesses are much more likely to look for information about your company in social networking sites, than on your own website or blog. That’s the significant conclusion you can draw from the study of how you can engage small business decision makers through social media.


Social networking is not a marketing diversion

Hands up if you are using social networking in some way in your business. Mmm…not as many of you as we thought. In fact, it’s hardly any of you. In spite of all the brouhaha over Google Buzz, the fascination with Twitter and the constant media knocking of Facebook, the


Shock Social Media Survey on trust is not surprising after all

Top cop Ali Dizaei is now a disgraced officer languishing in jail. His conviction for perverting the course of justice has raised the whole issue of who can we trust. If we can’t trust senior police officers, who can we trust? In short, of course, there are a few police


Three types of people who should give up Twitter

Throughout the world there are people sitting right at this moment, scratching their heads and wondering “Should I use Twitter?”. Every day people ponder over joining up with Twitter; yet each day people stop using Twitter as well. There is a never ending revolving door of people joining and then


Haiti earthquake exposes Twitter chasm

At long last the poor people of Haiti are receiving international aid. It’s taken almost a week for a significant response. Indeed, the UK Government initially promised aid which was about half the salary they agreed to pay the boss of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Millions of disadvantaged people

It’s the real thing…Coke says so…!

Remember that 1970s advert for Coca-Cola, with youngsters on a hillside singing “I’d like to buy the world a Coke”? (See video below for a reminder.) OK, I’m showing my age, but yes, I remember it…! It was an iconic advert that actually lived on for many years afterwards. Advertising


How often should you post on social networks?

Who is your best friend? Is it someone who you see fairly frequently or someone who you only bump into once in a blue moon? Whose opinion do you value most in your circle of friends? The person who you know well? Or the person who you have hardly any


Social networking is a waste of time

Small business owners believe social media usage is a complete waste of time. That’s the conclusion from a study completed by Ad-Ology, a marketing research organisation. For each question asked, over half of the 1,000 respondents said that social media was “not beneficial”. And in some surprising data, the research


You can’t afford not to Tweet now

Most business people do not use Twitter; they can’t see the point. But, shortly into the New Year, the point is going to hit them sharply between the eyes thanks to two business deals that Twitter has just signed with Google and Microsoft. If you are not using Twitter in


Most social networking users prefer being face-to-face

Even people who are avid users of social networking sites prefer to be face-to-face. According to a study by the audience analysis company Crowd Science, 92% of social networkers prefer face-to-face communication. Interestingly, though, a significant slice of people prefer social networking communication to the telephone.   We would rather