Category: Social

Facebook is blocked by many businesses
Online Business

Facebook obviously confuses businesses

Facebook is the most blocked website in the world. According to the annual report from OpenDNS, even though pornorgraphy is the most blocked category, Facebook is the single site which is picked out to be blocked more than any other. Indeed, only 1% of users of OpenDNS block Playboy, but


Facebook and Twitter are NOT work distractions

All over Britain – indeed all over the world – you can almost hear parents shouting “Will you turn off that Justin Bieber and get on with your homework..!” For decades parents have believed that music is a distraction, that it puts children off their homework. Your parents probably shouted

Being angry online could cost companies a lot
Online Business

Take care – YOU could be the next Andy Gray

The millionaire ex-football pundit, Andy Gray, faced a barrage of criticism and his inevitable sacking after making overly sexist remarks about women. His remarks have been both defended and attacked – whether you think this is “just banter” or the “thinking of a dinosaur” is not the point. What’s important


Rap star 50 Cent proves Twitter is now ESSENTIAL to your business

The rap star, 50 Cent, is a lot richer this week, thanks to Twitter. Indeed, he is almost $10m better off just because he sent out a single Tweet. All he did was say that a company in which he has a substantial share investment was worth buying stock in.


Vince Cable exposes technology problems for your website

The Secretary of State for Business, Vince Cable has got into hot water because he told the truth. In a much publicised and secretly recorded conversation, the Liberal Democrat minister told people what be believed in. But it is his honesty that has got him into trouble. According to his


Three strange reasons for doing social media

Well it had to happen, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook is the Time Magazine “Person of the Year”. It was inevitable – an estimated 750m people now use Facebook and his struggles to bring the service to life are celebrated in an acclaimed Hollywood movie. Social networking is big


Avoid trying to impress people online

Oprah Winfrey might be in danger. She could be thinking she is better at promoting Australia than the people who live there. In an eight-day visit, likened to a Papal tour, Oprah has just finished filming four episodes of her talk show which will be broadcast in January. They are


Facebook could kill your online business

The Education Secretary, Michael Gove, appears to want to make all teachers clones. Rigorous personality analysis and aptitude testing is planned for all prospective teachers. It smacks of trying to make all teachers alike. Interestingly, Michael Gove is an acknowledged deep thinker. Having only been an MP for five years,

Let the people Tweet

Troops in the USA are being warned that using the likes of Twitter and Facebook could be damaging. Apparently, it could reveal to the enemy the whereabouts of individuals in action. Strangely, it is only a couple of years since the US Military demanded that the troops be allowed to


Big firms teach small businesses an online lesson

Sir John Rose had to square up to the media yesterday in his role as the Chief Executive of Rolls-Royce. His company’s engines had been found to have a fault which led to the explosion on a Qantas flight earlier this month. Sir John admitted that the issue would cause

Business bosses fail to grasp social media

Don’t tell your boss at work, but almost certainly he or she is living in the past, unable to grasp the modern world. They want it to be “like it used to be” and mutter things like “it was never like this in my day”. They thump their fist on


Three reasons why you should not have a social media manager

We prefer the real thing to a fake…! At lunchtime today the weekly spectacle of verbal jousting takes place at Prime Minister’s Questions. David Cameron will square up to the new Labour Party Leader, Ed Miliband. Who’s your money on to make the first joke, or get the deepest dig?


Twitter is more important for your brand than other social networks

Lady Gaga is doing OK; not a sign of a pokerface when she looks at her bank balance. Nor when she looks at her Twitter ranking – number one. Whoopee..! But would she have done so well in her career without Twitter? That’s a question worth asking. After all, she


10 ways to deepen your relationships using Twitter

The Pope is in Britain amid controversy over past misdemeanours by Catholic Priests and comments by one his aides on the “atheism” of Britain. It’s almost 30 years since a Papal visit and no-doubt part of the reason for this trip is to repair the damage done by abuse scandals,


Social media just got a whole lot clearer

One of the main difficulties with the online social world is the dazzling array of different services and websites you can use. Just how do they all fit together? Which ones do what kinds of jobs? Whenever I meet people and talk to them about social media they are often


Facebook is good for you

Ooh look at me…! Aha that feels better…! In spite of all the brouhaha about the killer Raoul Moat on Facebook the social networking site is not as negative as you might think. New research shows that it is actually quite good for you. Cornell University psychologists looked at the

Facebook statistics don’t always tell the truth

View more presentations from bakerannem. Teenagers are giving up on Facebook – at least that’s what some of the statistics would have you believe. But like all statistics there are some hidden facts behind them. Let’s look at the facts we do know. According to Facebook themselves – and they

Advertising cannot boost a bad reputation

Hands up…who likes Vodafone? Aha…some people clearly do not think they are the greatest mobile phone company on earth. In fact, in terms of market share, they are not; they used to be Number One, now they are dropping around Europe – so much so that pay has been linked