Google does bad by doing good
Google is proposing a new system for ranking online merchants and stores. But will the new system favour Google’s own shopping network?
Google is proposing a new system for ranking online merchants and stores. But will the new system favour Google’s own shopping network?
Interflora has been hit hard by Google because of seemingly dodgy SEO techniques. It is a lesson to take care
Is it possible to suffer from SEO addiction? Can you actually be too focused on search engine optimisation?
Search behaviour is becoming more focused, leaving most business out in the cold
Google is trying to control me with its so-called personalisation. But all it does is annoy.
Most of the Internet is actually hidden from Google and does not appear in their results. People can find it though.
Google search results provide inaccurate and false information, according to one study. But we accept what Google provides. Are we lazy?
Human beings are much better at search than Google. This means that people can instantly see what they want to find on your web pages.
Search engine ranking cannot be achieved by SEO alone. New research suggests corporate culture and attitude is the key to success.
Talking while searching can improve your results. Research shows that talking to yourself improves search activity.
Customers acquired through Google have a higher lifetime value than through other methods. Google advertising really pays off.
Search Engine Optimization is often seen as difficult. But research shows it is often merely obvious.
Google is introducing semantic search to its results pages. This means that the whole notion of keyword searching and SEO will disappear.
So, you have an extra day today because it is 29th February – a Leap Year. Brilliant. It means you can crack on with some work you wouldn’t otherwise have time for…! But what should you do? How can you maximise the value of these extra 24 hours? The answer
Search engines tell us that only the first few results get clicked on. That is not true; people look through several pages of search results
Search engines can only present the right results for users if they do not use ambiguous words. Using longer words increases search accuracy.
Every second of every minute of every hour of every day there are 23,148 searches on Google; that’s a whole lot of searching…! Search is one of the most popular online activities, making Google the “number one” website in terms of traffic, brand recognition and financial success. Whatever you spend
Google is changing – and for the worse. The company is focused on the ever burgeoning world of social. Currently it is exploiting its fifth attempt at a social networking system, Google Plus. Previous Google social networks, like Buzz and Wave have bit the dust. The company has high hopes for Plus – so much so that it has now started to use data from the social network to influence the search results it presents to you.
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