Category: Psychology

Internet Psychology :: People focus on the negatives

Callers to a phone in on London’s LBC Radio Station yesterday were full of tales of problems and difficulties they have with the Internet, in particular Ebay. One person had serious difficulties after someone launched a campaign against her by pretending to buy everything she put up for sale and

Internet Marketing :: It’s all about psychology

Yesterday the Professional Speakers Association ran a special session on Internet Marketing for its members in London. There were three speakers – I was one of them – but for the entire session there was almost no reference to technology or specifics of web design, search engine optimisation and so

Internet Psychology :: Sailors’ stories rule the airwaves

You can’t have missed the debate in the UK about the sailors captured by the Iranian authorities who then later sold their stories to the national media. Whichever TV or radio station you tune into lately, there is some discussion about this issue. Equally, throughout the Internet there is a

Internet Psychology :: The impact of the Internet on your home life

We now have more computers per household than bicycles. Apparently, there are an average of 2.6 computers in each home. The result is we are spending more time attached to our PCs than we are to each other. And that is certain to have several impacts on our lives –

Internet Psychology :: Are you addicted to the Internet?

Like almost anything else in life, it’s clearly possible to become addicted to the Internet. If you find that you are spending hours in front of your PC screen, when there are other things to be done that get ignored, there’s a danger of addiction. However, new research from the

Internet Psychology : The World Is Changing

Every day I read something that just makes me realise how little the world’s authorities and governments actually understand anything about the Internet. Today, two American legal cases show that the “establishment” is thrashing around like some dying monster, unaware of its own demise. Firstly, there’s been a major patent

Internet psychology – it’s all about normal life

I’ve just been listening to a programme on BBC Radio Four where there was a man from the Sherlock Holmes Society of London talking. He spends part of his life dressed up as Watson, playing the Victorian, fictional character. Alongside 65 other members of the society he recently went to

Facial research helps Internet marketers

New psychology research at Princeton University provides a clue to Internet marketers about what they need to concentrate on. The study was conducted to find out how long we need to make up our mind about a person by looking at their face. It has been known for some time

Boost your web site with colour psychology

Recent research suggests people leave a web site 50 milliseconds after they enter it, unless they see some reason to linger. In other words, people are making an instant decision as to whether or not your site provides them with what they want even before they’ve had a chance to

How reciprocity boosts Internet marketing for you

Several psychological studies have shown that there is a social feature of human beings which psychologists call “the rule of reciprocity”. What this means is that if I meet you in a social situation and offer to get you a coffee, for example, you feel more positive towards me. If