Company websites are history
Company websites are no getting less and less traffic as people look elsewhere for business information. Focusing on a corporate website is a waste of time for many businesses.
Company websites are no getting less and less traffic as people look elsewhere for business information. Focusing on a corporate website is a waste of time for many businesses.
Rankings in “top 10” listing might seem fake and not worth the bother, but it appears they do have an impact on customer perceptions. You need to be in appropriate lists.
Sites that demonstrate they are knowledgeable sell more than sites that focus merely on sales. This means having lots of content on your website which is not sales oriented.
Customisation of websites means that people stick around longer and like your company more.
Voucher codes only appear to work if there is instant gratification. Any delay in receiving discounted products makes people value them less.
Internet marketing does not have an easy route; thorough planning and testing is required.
Which if the various online newsletter systems is best? This article doesn’t review them but suggests an alternative way of assessing the e-newsletter systems.
Pictures can be glossed over preventing people from making purchasing decisions
Only 10% of Internet traffic is for “ordinary” websites. Almost all Internet traffic is now for entertainment. If you are not in the entertainment business why be online?
Niche marketing could be focusing on the wrong thing. Customer personas could be much more valuable.
Crowds are more responsive to safety style messages than other marketing tactics, says new research.
Consumers value a free item more highly than a discounted item. So when you want to sell a high priced item add a freebie.
If you are selling something, you want people to make an instant decision to buy. You don’t really want them to linger, to think about things. If they do that, they can dream up all sorts of objections and therefore decide not to buy. In effect you want to be
Electronic word of mouth depends on who recommends you combined with you having a great website
Giving customers a choice of products to buy makes it more likely they will purchase something
Internet marketers play mind tricks – or at least they like to think so. The problem is, they don’t always work. Take the “look at me on the beach” sales page. This shows the Internet marketer on a lounger with laptop in hand next to some story about the fact
Online adverisers try to tap into what we are currently interested in. Psychological research shows this is the wrong approach.
Internet shoppers take into account the total cost of an item, rather than just its benefits, research says
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