Category: General

Internet criminals are going to have a field day

Internet criminals must be rubbing their hands in glee. Not only does the British Government lose the bank account details of 10 million families, but now it seems they are making the local bobby the person who should investigate Internet crime. Pardon, did I say that correctly? Yes, that’s right

CNN, YouTube and the American People

I am sitting in my hotel room in the USA watching a fascinating CNN program which is a “debate” between the Republican leadership hopefuls. What is interesting is not what they are saying – usual political flim-flam that doesn’t really answer the questions. Rather, the interesting bit is what is

Internet marketing gets even more mobile

A lucky 500 Londoners have started taking part in a trial using Nokia phones to pay for tube journeys. Essentially, the phones use similar technology to the widespread “Oyster card” that many people in London use to pay their underground fares. Barclaycard is launching a similar card that will pay

There’s a recession coming? Not online….!

American commentators reckon there is a recession just around the corner. And one of the people quoted, economics professor Nouriel Roubini, believes that the financial difficulties could be greater than anything we have ever seen before. Such prophets of doom make for great headlines, but they are forgetting one thing.

What can your online business learn from the credit crunch?

Bankers are not sleeping easily these days. First, the “subprime” problems emerged in the USA, then French banks took a cautious approach, before the debacle of Northern Rock hit Britain. Clearly, all around the world banking is hitting troubled waters. Even though we hear lots of technical terms like “subprime”

Are you fit enough to survive online?

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is neat; it provides a simple explanation for the variety of life. In spite of religious argument against it, there is considerable biological evidence for the existence of evolution. Indeed, we have seen species change and evolve even in our lifetime. The problem for humans

Don’t get too excited about the MySpace and Google deal

All over the news sites in the past 24 hours you will have found plenty of coverage about the Google deal with MySpace. In essence it means that Google is working with developers at MySpace to allow applications to be built that work on any social networking platform. In other

GAP trouble provides important message for online businesses

Children in India have been making clothes for the retailer GAP, in spite of the company’s well publicised policy on not using child labour. Now the company has launched an investigation into the incident. However, the company could have easily avoided this embarrassment with two simple pieces of technology –

What Yahoo and Tesco can teach Internet marketers about your online business

In the past 24 hours we have seen record profits of £2.6 billion announced from supermarket giant Tesco yet Yahoo has posted an 11% fall in profits at a mere £71m. Google, on the other hand is making around £525m every three months. Tesco’s main competitor, Sainsbury’s, only managed “a

Australian athletes will not do well at next Olympics thanks to blog ban

The Australian Olympic Committee has banned all the country’s athletes from blogging whilst at next year’s Olympics in Beijing. The BBC reports that the Australian Olympic Committee believes blogging would “erode the sanctity of the Olympic village”. What tosh! I know several people who have competed in the Olympics and

Jeremy Jacobs proves you can blog easily

Just a couple of months back, the presenter and public speaker Jeremy Jacobs didn’t have a blog. Now, he has a vibrant, well designed, readable and interesting blog that is clearly attracting readers. In the time he has been writing his blog, his web site has risen over one million

Is Six Apart blogging company ready to sell?

Today’s UK Sunday Times newspaper reports that Mena Trott, the co-owner of Six Apart (who produce TypePad and Movable Type) would be prepared to sell the company for less than $1bn. She also reveals that she wants a family and is going to review the future of the company this

Berkshire Businesses Realise Importance of Blogging

I’ve just got back from a meeting of the West Berkshire Business Club where I spoke about blogging for small businesses. I was asked several questions about the way to set up blogs, how to get visitors and how to make money from them. There was only one person in