Category: General

At long last the Internet is just like the real world

Men have dominated the Internet for several years. Much of the initial technology was developed by men, many of the initial Internet pioneers were men and most of the users were men for several years. Now, though, a new study shows us that this year women will outnumber men online.


How about a “YouTube” for printed documents?

YouTube has undoubtedly been a success. So too has iTunes. But they both only deal with video and audio. Human beings, however, use printed materials in vast amounts – perhaps more than video and audio. So wouldn’t it be fantastic if there were an equivalent of YouTube but for printed

Financial meltdown won’t hit the Internet

The current financial meltdown happening on Wall Street and in the City of London is not going to affect the Internet, according to some recent research. This study suggests that far from investing less money online, businesses will spend more online in the coming year or two. That bodes well

Online advertisers fail to understand people

Advertising gurus are great aren’t they? They are seen as leaders in “the creative industry”; they pat themselves on the back with lavish award ceremonies to celebrate their “stunning” advertising creations; and they mix with the stars who feature in their ads, making us all jealous that they have friends

Trust – it’s all important on the Internet

How much do you trust the web sites you visit? You trust the BBC perhaps? Or you could trust Google to deliver the goods. Or maybe you trust Amazon? But whichever sites you trust, you probably have a “gut instinct” for some sites you visit that makes you doubt their

How not to succeed with online media

A stunning decision by one of Britain’s top publishing companies provides a perfect example of how not to use the Internet. The Hearst Digital Network is closing down several web sites of magazines published by the National Magazine Company. The magazines that are to lose their own web sites include

Last of the TV Oscars? Could be if the Eurovision Song Contest works….!

Last night’s Oscar ceremony with all its glitz and glamour may well be the last of the Hollywood award nights we see on our TV. Indeed, many people won’t have watched the Academy’s show on TV at all; significant numbers would have watched without having access to a TV. They

People rate links more importantly than Google

Trust is an important issue in all our lives. If we trust the person telling us something we tend to believe them. The same is true online; if we trust the web site we are looking at, we believe what it says. If someone you meet recommends a product or

Woolworths gets defeated by homeworking mum

Woolworths have big red faces over an entry in their Big Red Book. This is their catalogue shopping service that also features online. The problem is that no-one at Woolies realised that the word “Lolita” had sexual connotations when they started selling a bed with that name. Worse still, the

Here’s a special offer: “Scam Awareness Month”…!

Today sees the start of the British Government’s “Scam Awareness Month”. Councils across the UK are backing the Office of Fair Trading’s campaign to make us all aware of “scams” that cost us dear. Shame the OFT doesn’t know about it – or at least doesn’t appear to. According to

Is it any wonder a recession is on the way? Nobody is doing any work..!

Gosh…! Is it any wonder the “R” word (recession) is now being spoken about openly. Already the US authorities have cut interest rates twice in a week in a massive bid to prevent the country falling into an economic downturn. And UK commentators are saying thinks like “when the US

“A Levels” from McDonalds? A lesson for Internet marketers

McDonald’s is one of the first companies within the UK to start offering qualifications deemed to be the same standard as at A-level. Whether you actually need such a high level qualification just to flip a burger is debatable. However the idea is that different companies start offering a variety

Societie Generale and the missing £3.6 billion

You would think that it would be easy to find the £3.6 billion missing from one of France’s biggest banks. After all it’s not a small pile of money. Somebody must be able to spot it. So where is it? What most people seem to have ignored is that if


How to dramatically increase your online productivity

Xobni is one of the most fantastic applications I have seen in goodness knows how many years of looking at computer software. Never before have I reviewed a piece of software either for myself or for a computer magazine and have been so bowled over so instantly. Xobni is actually

The Internet isn’t global – it’s local

People tend to work not very far from where they were born — indeed, in the UK, the average commuting distance to work is just 8 miles. Most people in the UK, live within about 10 miles of where they were born. We don’t actually travel as far as would

EMI blames the Internet – but it’s not the online world’s fault

So EMI has announced that its set to lose about 2000 people worldwide. In a major restructuring of the music company announced today, the boss has suggested that digital downloads of music are part of the problem. For years, the music industry has been telling us it is struggling against

We are about to witness the death of television

Sir Michael Grade tries his best to talk up ITV, but he must know his service on the brink of doom. For several years, TV advertising has struggled. Indeed, six months ago I wrote about how television advertising was hard to come by. ITV, in it’s interim report, says that

M&S sales figures show absolute need for the Internet

Sir Stuart Rose, the boss of retailer Marks and Spencer, was on TV this morning defending his company’s fall in sales figures over the Christmas period. The High Street giant saw a fall of more than 2% compared with the same three months in 2006. Even though Sir Stuart presented