Category: General

Lawrence family shows us all how to behave

When the history books are written the names of Doreen Lawrence OBE, Neville Lawrence OBE and Stephen Lawrence will be writ large, along with the rest of this ordinary but amazing family, including Stephen’s brother, Stuart. It is almost unbearable to read the unbelievable way in which the Lawrence family

Christmas at home

Christmas Past or Christmas Present – which is best?

Charles Dickens knew a thing or two about human psychology. In “A Christmas Carol“, the main character Ebenezer Scrooge connects his past to his likely future and changes his behaviour as a result. Instead of being a miser, he dramatically alters his behaviour and becomes a model of generosity, providing


How to attract website visitors – be interesting…!

Now tell me, why have you visited this page? Is it because you simply love being here? Or is it because you want to find out how to be interesting? Or are you just passing the time, skimming the web in the hope of finding something to while away the

Sir Isaac Newton

Yet more evidence that you should not focus on internet success

Only last week I wrote about a brain study from Canada which showed we can achieve more success if we actually try to understand how other people failed. Now, another piece of research from the other side of the world confirms this as being a really good idea. Psychologists from

Remembrance sunday poppy

Be proud of the rubbish and the nastiness you see on the internet

Everywhere you look online you will be reminded of nastiness, crime and downright evil. Whether it is a simple as a spam email, as complex as identity theft or as horrible as Internet trolling, you can’t avoid the negative aspects of the online world. There are rumours on Twitter, nasty

Facebook and Google Page Headings

Is Google having a panic attack…?

Google is a fine company – let’s get that straight at the beginning. They provide you and me with plenty of useful services. Even if you only use their search engine, can you imagine life without? We all depend on Google to a smaller or larger extent. And as a

Romance is alive and well on the internet

Love is alive and well online – Happy Valentine’s Day

Did you get any mystery cards today? Or did you know exactly who sent you those flowers or the chocolates? Perhaps you have had a romantic meal for two. On the other hand, it might just have been a normal day, rather like any other Monday. For many people Cupid’s

Telling the truth online

Do not believe everything you read online – except this

Trust me, this is true. Honest. Believe me. But, apparently, there are some things on the Internet which are – there is no easy way of saying this – untrue..! That’s right, some of the pages on the Internet contain material that is made up, fabricated, even a blatant lie.


Biased football referees prove value of website redesign

The referee might miss a foul depending on the direction of play. Will your website miss visitors in the same way? Fact. Football referees are biased. Those players in the World Cup who cry “foul” when the referee finds against them could well be right, according to a new study

Know your online rights and win a prize

How well do you know your online rights? What information should you give online to commercial suppliers? And what protections should you look for in the small print? These are areas where the Consumer Affairs section of the European Commission is hard at work. Ther eare several European laws in


EXCLUSIVE: Facebook to create new language

Facebook insiders have revealed exclusively to me that later today they will be announcing a new language which is set to revolutionise the web. At the moment the web is mostly in English, with other sites in Japanese, Chinese, and a multitude of European languages. The real difficulty is that


Rare species killed off by the Internet

Conservationists are up in arms about the Internet. They are pointing out – ironically using the Internet – that the web is responsible for threatening more endangered species than ever. Apparently you can order a polar bear skin online, or if you want you can get a baby lion shipped


Improve your website with teamwork

John Witherow is hard at work today, but luckily most of his work will be done by other people – his team. For John is the long-standing Editor of The Sunday Times and will be beavering away today so that we can get the paper in the morning. Luckily, he


Just when you thought the BBC understood the Internet…

Mark Thompson, the Director General of the BBC, will doubtless have several nasty things said about him today. In the pubs down the road from TV Centre in Shepherd’s Bush, disgruntled staff will be slagging him off, no doubt. Newspapers tomorrow will be full of vitriol poured out against him.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year; have a great 2010. Thank you so much for supporting me over the past year and reading my blog – it is much appreciated. In 2010 I have plans to expand the service I provide and to write more practical articles to help you enhance your online


Happy Christmas, Happy Holiday

Whether it’s Christmas to you, or just a seasonal holiday, I’d like to wish you the very best for you and your family – and thank you for being a loyal reader. We are coming towards the end of the first decade of the 21st Century and we are ending


Farewell Michael Jackson; Hello Internet nonsense

Michael Jackson’s sad death is a shock to us all; people will always have that “flashbulb” memory of always knowing where they were when they heard of his demise. For many, they will have been sitting in front of their PC screen, suddenly aware of a flurry of tweets in


Phorm will fail – so do not worry about it

{{rtcode}}Phorm is a controversial online advertising system that has already annoyed the founder of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Today, the top web sites in the world have been urged to stop using Phorm since it is thought to invade privacy. Here’s how it works: it monitors what web sites