Category: Email

Forget Twitter, go back to email

Twitter is the current “in thing”; the numbers of people using it is rising exponentially. But could it have reached its peak? Remember just a year ago when the buzz was about Second Life? What happened? It didn’t even get discussed at the recent Social Media Conference in London. And


Email is crucial to company income

Email is such a fundamental part of business that any failure in the system would cause a loss of income for one in every five companies. That’s one of the stark findings of a new survey from Neverfail. In a study of over 200 companies, the business continuity firm found

Email marketing is more art than science

Statisticians have been bent double over data about email marketing and have come up with an answer to a question that is pretty pointless. Every year various people try to analyse what is the best day of the week to send out a marketing email. The notion is that if

Confusion reigns over email marketing

People are getting confused over the benefits of email marketing according to a new report on “customer engagement“. The study shows that 45% of businesses say they have not done email marketing to any great degree because of budgetary concerns. Now, with the recession beginning to bite and budgets being

If you aren’t email marketing you’re losing money

Email marketing is often frowned upon; indeed with the constant rise in spam messages, people are wondering if email is a viable communications method at all. Some people have latched on to a recent report from Jupiter Research which suggests email is losing its effectiveness as a marketing method. However,


How to get your emails opened

Getting your emails opened can be a real problem. We are being drowned in a sea of email messages, texts, RSS feeds, Twitters and all sorts of instant messages. Is it any wonder that people fail to open emails? I was in a client’s office the other day and she


Forget email – it’s old hat

Old people – that is those aged over 19 – use email frequently. But teenagers hardly every use it; instead they are into instant messaging, big time. Although there is a marginal increase in email usage amongst teenagers, the vast majority still prefer instant messaging. Indeed, a week or two

Email marketing has yet to achieve anything

British consumers would rather receive traditional direct mail than an email marketing campaign. That’s the conclusion of new research conducted for the Institute of Direct Marketing. Less than one in five people surveyed wanted to receive marketing material via email – they preferred to get it in the post. So

Trust is a key issue in email marketing

Readers of email messages designed to sell them something are much more likely to buy if the top of the email carries a security logo. This is the conclusion of a study performed by a publishing company. What they discovered was the fact that if an email contained an isolated

Tricks or treats? How should you revive those email ghosts?

Ghosts exist in your marketing system. They are the subscribers and people on your email list who actually don’t read what you send them; everything you provide goes into some kind of void, into the ether. Clearly having ghosts in your machine for marketing is doing you no good. You

Email is so 20th Century

Younger people – those under 40 – don’t rely on email. They may use it, but rarely check their inbox. Conversely, the over-40s love email so much, they feel their life would not be complete without it. If you run an online business these differences are important to notice. If

Internet marketers lose revenue by ignoring emails

Internet marketers are losing money by ignoring emails they are sent from customers and potential clients. According to experts in running call centres, eGain, 44% of firms completely ignore emails they are sent by visitors to their web sites. Some sectors are worse than others it seems. The telecomms industry

Email Marketing Is About Trust

Marketing via email can be very productive. Indeed, many Internet marketers make more money from their email list than they do from their web pages. But, with “open rates” and “click through rates” going down the whole time, how can you make money from your list? Well, as always there

Email marketing needs a new approach

Today I was at the annual Email Marketing Conference of the UK’s Direct Marketing Association. There were several interesting facts revealed during the day, but several speakers echoed a single theme. They were clear that email marketing is not like other forms of direct marketing. Instead, it is much more