Category: Social Media Articles

Simple Steps to Get Your Foot in the Social Media Door

By Gail Bottomley Social media marketing is one of the biggest buzzwords out there in Internet marketing. After all, the social media sites are some of (and often are the) most trafficked and accessed websites on the Internet. They have an unprecedented amount of users on them that spend a

Six Fantastic Tips to Get You Started On Twitter

By Jonathan Lee Jenkins The social networking website known as Twitter is an excellent Internet marketing tool for your business. However, if you are new to it then it can be very confusing and bewildering. So, to help you to get started there are six basic tips. 1. First you

The Importance of Social Media in E-Commerce

By Matt Blum We have all seen the explosion of corporations creating online communities, but let us take a look at how easy it can be to connect with your e-commerce customers and how important social media is to your customers. First, we have to ask the question, How do

Can Facebook Friends Be Converted to Prospects and Leads?

By Dionyos R. Sylvester People are all over the Internet looking for ways to earn money, connect with friends of the past, check their e-mails and look for all types of, well, information. You’ve all heard of the technology surge that has come to us in the form of the

5 Things You Should Be Doing On LinkedIn But Likely Are NOT

By: James P Anderson So let’s get to it. You absolutely should be doing these 5 key items: 1) Use the Widget and Links on Your Profile Page to Maximize Exposure. Getting people to visit your profile is half the battle with LinkedIn, however once they are there are you

5 Reasons to Build a Facebook Page For Your Business

By Tahire Khan Creating a Facebook fan page only takes minutes to do and it is an incredibly cost effective way to build an audience of targeted and interested users, and what’s more you can communicate with them regularly for free. If you’re serious about social media, here are my

Four Ways to Socialize Your Website

By Sandra S. Sea Unless you have been living under a rock, you will undoubtedly know that social marketing is an important aspect of your online marketing strategy. It is important that you connect with your customers where they live. Meaning, social sites. Unless your business is geared to seniors,

The Internet - concept
Social Media Articles

Building Brand Identity – Marketing With Twitter

By Enzo F. Cesario Twitter, the net’s networking success story, is intriguing and intimidating because of its message limitations: they can be 140 characters, and no more. This is to say; each message sent on Twitter can be no larger than the previous sentence. Not an additional letter, space, period

10 Simple Steps to getting More Twitter Followers

By Bill Wynne Twitter is almost a household word. Twitter and Facebook alike. The keen marketer will know that Twitter will offer him a rich source of potential traffic but how do you effectively reach those people and get them to follow you? Make sure you take the time to

Social Media Articles

A complete masterclass on Twitter

Nigel Morgan – PR Expert What is the practical use of Twitter in business? Even if you accept it does have a business case, how do you use it? And what if you use it – how do you capitalise on it? These are regular questions business people ask about

Top 25 Social Media Tips

Author: Rutland It’s only been less than a decade, but social media has changed the way we do marketing. In our fast-paced industry ideas are thought of, tried out, and either vetted or discarded, all within a matter of days. With all the flurry that’s happening, it sometimes gets a

TweetDeck is out-dated; long live HootSuite

TweetDeck is the undisputed “king” of the various Twitter client programs that are currently available. But there are several reasons why it needs replacing. The program has outlived its usefulness and when compared with HootSuite it simply does not stack up. TweetDeck is low on features Take a look at

Social media marketing tips

Social media is a powerful and cost-effective marketing tool for your business. It will not only put you directly in touch with existing and new clients, it will make you more personable, trustworthy and approachable. It will also improve links to your website, boost your SEO , help you to

How to Use Twitter for Business Marketing

By Phyllis Zimbler Miller If you are active on Twitter and want to promote your business, it’s important to know how to use Twitter for business marketing to consumers. Twitter isn’t an open invitation to spew sales messages at consumers; rather it’s an opportunity to create relationships with consumers. Your

Social Media Articles

Understanding Twitter for business

Twitter for Business is a 20-page guide written by small business marketing expert, John Jantsch who runs Duct Tape Marketing. The booklet covers the basics of Twitter and shows exactly how John uses it for his business, providing a valuable insight into expert usage. In this report you will find

People to follow on Twitter

Every Friday loads of people get recommended through the “followfriday” hashtag scheme. Already, that sounds confusing….! So, if you are unfamiliar with the concept of the hashtag read this article on hashtags from Twitip. Essentially a hashtag is just a word that you use to collect together a whole load

Build Your Business with Twitter’s Search Function

By Marian Harmon Many businesses are utilizing the power of social media such as Twitter to advertise their products and services. You can do this, too, but the challenge is in marketing your product or service without being annoying. By following a few rules of etiquette and utilizing the power

Social Media Articles

Who do you want to be referred to?

By Will Kintish The daddy of modern day networking is a pioneer called Dr Ivan Misner. He came up with the idea of breakfast networking clubs and his is still the biggest –BNI (Business networking International). He says unless you know who you want to know very few people can