Who are the top CEO Tweeters?
Infographic showing the top CEO tweeters and Chief Executives on Twitter
Infographic showing the top CEO tweeters and Chief Executives on Twitter
Infographic showing latest trends on social media
Social media marketing tips that you should use in your business strategy to ensure continuous growth of your company
t might sound extreme, but your new business cannot afford to go without a Facebook presence.
Here are the top social media mistakes that can ruin your business
Infographic showing who is winning the social media race
By downloading these apps to your tablet or smartphone, you can work smarter, not harder
Infographic showing how people interact on Pinterest the pictorial social network
Infographic showing the impact of Twitter on brand names
Engage with people, provide good content, and you will find that more people will start to follow you on Twitter
If it’s not in the budget to hire a professional writer, there can be a lot of pressure on small businesses to create social media posts themselves. However, you can’t just start posting away and hope it all goes swimmingly. Even if you know that social media is right for you, your business speaks to markets that are active Twitter users and constantly liking things on Facebook.
Twitter can be a great way to make connections with journalists, as long as you use it in the right way
Is social media separating human beings or bringing us closer together?
Divergent thinking is the ability to consider multiple solutions to the same problem
McKinsey has released a report that suggests that better social media marketing could add up to $1.3 trillion to the economy in increased productivity revenue. They argue that there is a direct link between the acquisition of social media enterprises by tech companies like Microsoft and Oracle and their increased operating revenues.
Taking advantage of forums can benefit your company through generating conversation regarding your products and services
Facebook launched their new Open Graph Application way back in January 2012. No doubt, Open Graph is an awesome tool for new marketers.
Since Google’s release of Google’s +1 button, webmasters have wondered about the effect of this on their web page rankings. In an interview, Google’s Matt Cutts commented on this and on the effect of authorship on your rankings.
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