Category: Articles

10 Simple Steps to getting More Twitter Followers

By Bill Wynne Twitter is almost a household word. Twitter and Facebook alike. The keen marketer will know that Twitter will offer him a rich source of potential traffic but how do you effectively reach those people and get them to follow you? Make sure you take the time to

Constructing A Website That Works

By Karen Thomson Before you even consider starting to build your first website, you need to think very carefully about what you are going to include in it. For instance, you should not create a site that promotes numerous unrelated affiliate products. As you can imagine, a potential customer will

5 Blog Post Styles to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

By Clare Swindlehurst Keeping your blog interesting and fresh isn’t just a case of posting regularly, you also need to mix things up and use different styles of posts to keep your readers engaged. Here are five different styles you can try out to make your blog more interesting. 1.

Social Media Articles

A complete masterclass on Twitter

Nigel Morgan – PR Expert What is the practical use of Twitter in business? Even if you accept it does have a business case, how do you use it? And what if you use it – how do you capitalise on it? These are regular questions business people ask about

How to Choose a Freelance Writer for Your Web Site

It can be a nerve-wracking task to choose a freelance writer for your web site. You are placing a great deal of trust in another person’s hands. Although you can protect yourself by reading the content before publishing it and checking it for plagiarism and duplicates, writers that produce poor

The Advantages of Using PayPal As Your Shopping Cart

Any e-commerce application needs a good shopping cart to handle any purchases and payments for subscriptions. Of course you want the best shopping cart you can get for your blogs or websites, but there are so many options online, all promising you the world, that it can get confusing. Still

7 Ways to Encourage More Blog Commenting

By Bill Wynne Interactive blogs are the most successful and plenty of quality comments is a good indication that your blog is healthy and that it will be successful. There are many reasons why people may not make comments on your blog posts and we will cover a number of

5 Things Bloggers Shouldn’t Do

By James Junior There are a lot of articles and blog posts on the web that will present a list of things you should do in order to run a successful blog, this is not one of those articles. I want to discuss some of the things you shouldn’t do,

Top 25 Social Media Tips

Author: Rutland It’s only been less than a decade, but social media has changed the way we do marketing. In our fast-paced industry ideas are thought of, tried out, and either vetted or discarded, all within a matter of days. With all the flurry that’s happening, it sometimes gets a

Web Design Articles

Web browser compatibility testing will boost your reputation

By Graham Jones Web browser compatibility testing sounds rather technical and confusing – something you ought to let your web developer deal with. The problem is that if your website is not compatible with the plethora of browsers available, it will affect your business reputation. Indeed, before you know it

Make people want to buy from you

Making people buy from you online is harder to achieve than selling off line. When selling online it is often harder to find and engage objections, there’s no body language to pick up on and customer feedback sometimes doesn’t get through on time. Here are couple of tips to make

TweetDeck is out-dated; long live HootSuite

TweetDeck is the undisputed “king” of the various Twitter client programs that are currently available. But there are several reasons why it needs replacing. The program has outlived its usefulness and when compared with HootSuite it simply does not stack up. TweetDeck is low on features Take a look at

Four Things Every Web Site Headline Must Do

Homepage headlines are not easy…they have to fulfil multiple purposes and please a wide variety of people. That said, don’t give up…because your home page headline is arguably the most important piece of writing on your site. Read Full ArticleArticle Source:

Social media marketing tips

Social media is a powerful and cost-effective marketing tool for your business. It will not only put you directly in touch with existing and new clients, it will make you more personable, trustworthy and approachable. It will also improve links to your website, boost your SEO , help you to

How to Use Twitter for Business Marketing

By Phyllis Zimbler Miller If you are active on Twitter and want to promote your business, it’s important to know how to use Twitter for business marketing to consumers. Twitter isn’t an open invitation to spew sales messages at consumers; rather it’s an opportunity to create relationships with consumers. Your

Get your next 5 article ideas from your last 5 articles

By Steve Shaw I know that it can be mentally taxing to try to come up with new ideas for articles. After a while you may feel like you’ve written about every aspect of your subject that you possibly can. Here’s some good news–you don’t always need to come up

How to write posts that get noticed

Writing posts be it for your own website or for someone else can transform your marketing efforts over night. A great post has the potential to drive huge amounts of web traffic to your website and turn you into an authority figure. If you’re anything like me, you write for