Category: Articles

5 Things You Should Be Doing On LinkedIn But Likely Are NOT

By: James P Anderson So let’s get to it. You absolutely should be doing these 5 key items: 1) Use the Widget and Links on Your Profile Page to Maximize Exposure. Getting people to visit your profile is half the battle with LinkedIn, however once they are there are you

Tips For Managing Your Affiliate Marketing Business

By Zack Lim Many people started their own affiliate marketing business because they want to earn extra money. Those who are serious in this business will be able to make a fulltime income online if they know how to manage their business properly. Here are the 3 tips you will

Sales & Marketing business signpost
Affiliate Marketing Articles

How To Learn Affiliate Marketing If Your New To Internet Marketing

By Sam Bakker If you want to learn affiliate marketing there are some important things that you need to know. In this article I am going to describe what I see as the biggest stumbling block for new Internet marketers who want to learn affiliate marketing. I can recall when

Email Marketing – Quantity vs. Quality

By Coolblogger Everyone wants to be recognized in some way. We are not all the same. We have our own individual attitudes and reactions to what comes before us. One size does not fit all. Whether dealing with correspondence or clothes, we are all unique individuals. Do your email marketing

Four Easy Tips for Blogging

By articlescharmen If you’ve tried blog marketing before, you’ve probably realized it’s not as easy as you might think. It takes a lot of strategizing to see results and is definitely not a onetime thing or a set it and forget it process. While it can be a hassle, if

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Web Design Articles

Ten Things to Think About When Choosing a Content Management System

By Ryan Boog Choosing a content management system can be tricky. Without a clearly defined set of requirements, you will be seduced by fancy functionality that you will never use. What then should you look for in a CMS? When looking at a content management system, consider what features you

Can Social Sites Replace Business Blogs?

By TJ Philpott Building and using business blogs has become a standard for many online marketers in terms of marketing on the Internet. However with the growth in popularity of online social sites many have begun using these communities as their primary marketing platforms. In particular Twitter is being touted

Composing Blog Comments That Build Credibility

By TJ Philpott Leaving well placed blog comments is a great way to accelerate the flow of traffic to your site. An important aspect of the blog building process is establishing links with other sites and when you post comments at other blogs you can do just that. The more

21 Lessons I Have Learned From Darren Rowse

By Muhammad Faisal Khurshid When we talk about “Blogging Tips and Tricks” the first name emerges in our mind is Darren Rowse from Problogger. As you might already know that he had written a book titled “31 Days to Build a Better Blog.” Here is how he described it: The

Why is no one reading my blog? 20 ways to get blog traffic and comments

This guest blog post is by Social Media Marketer for Silicon Beach Training Natasha Stone. Silicon Beach Training are a UK based training company who provide a wide range of Business, IT and Management courses, including Blogging Training. I won’t bore you with reasons why you should be blogging –

The Ten Best “Must Have” Plugins For WordPress

By Yip Bop WordPress is a highly extensible application – big words that mean you can easily ‘extend’ the functionality of WordPress to do whatever you want it to do. The best and most common way of extending WordPress is by adding ‘plugins’ to it. Plugins are just bits of

Top Tips For More Ecommerce Website Sales

By Ian D Spencer Selling online has become a very popular thing to do for companies of all sizes. This popularity has led to many market places becoming very competitive which is turn making it harder to create sales. There are however many things you can do to increase your

5 Reasons to Build a Facebook Page For Your Business

By Tahire Khan Creating a Facebook fan page only takes minutes to do and it is an incredibly cost effective way to build an audience of targeted and interested users, and what’s more you can communicate with them regularly for free. If you’re serious about social media, here are my

Ten questions to help you select your ecommerce system

Your website needs a system to be able to sell your products and services and collect the cash. The problem is, the myriad of services and options is hugely confusing. Indeed, type in the phrase “best shopping cart” into Google and you end up with more than 44,000 results. And

Blogging Articles

Most Common Blogging Mistakes You Need to Avoid

By Luie De Von Promoting an online business can be easy if you know the tools and techniques to use. One effective way used by Internet marketers is blogging. How can you make your online marketing through blogs more effective? Below are ten blogging mistakes you should know to help

Which Blog Posting Style Suits You Best?

By TJ Philpott The blog posting found on any one site normally reflects, at least in part, the personality of the author. This is normal and expected for a couple of reasons. Firstly most popular blogs gain their fame and favor by creating frequent and interesting posts. When writing this

Four Ways to Socialize Your Website

By Sandra S. Sea Unless you have been living under a rock, you will undoubtedly know that social marketing is an important aspect of your online marketing strategy. It is important that you connect with your customers where they live. Meaning, social sites. Unless your business is geared to seniors,

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Social Media Articles

Building Brand Identity – Marketing With Twitter

By Enzo F. Cesario Twitter, the net’s networking success story, is intriguing and intimidating because of its message limitations: they can be 140 characters, and no more. This is to say; each message sent on Twitter can be no larger than the previous sentence. Not an additional letter, space, period