Category: Articles

The Internet - concept
Internet Marketing Articles

Big Internet Consumer Trends of 2012

Knowing the big consumer trends is vital to successfully making the internet work for you. Launching a new blog or a new angle to an existing blog really requires a decent knowledge of the searching habits of the masses.

Free content curation tools

Free content curation tools are widely available, but which ones do the experts in curating content think are the best?

Search Articles

Official Google statement: 39 changes in May

Google has published a blog post about the changes they made in May 2012. Some of these changes are relevant to your Google rankings and you should react to them.

The Internet - concept
Internet Psychology Articles

Trolling can be a reminder of our shadow

The increase in the activity of Internet “trolls” has been highlighted recently. But what does it say about people in general that this can occur?

Social Engagement
Social Media Articles

Digital Engagement and your CEO: Social Interaction Equals Authority

Social media has grown attached to the base principles of marketing and communications. With this, business experts believe that CEOs of SMBs and large enterprises need to embrace digital engagement to capture audiences and business opportunities.

Internet Marketing Articles

Pimp your web page titles in 6 easy steps

The title tags of your web pages are only one factor that influences the position of your web pages in Google’s search results.

Search Articles

Negative SEO: does it really exist?

After Google’s recent Penguin update, much has been written about negative SEO. Does it really exist and can it be used to hurt your website? What can you do to avoid problems?