Category: Articles

The Sales of Audio CDs
Internet Marketing Articles

The Long Tail explained

The Long Tail is an idea popularised by author Chris Anderson in his book, The Long Tail. The central theme of the idea is that the vast majority of sales frequently comes in the small numbers of individual items which are sold by a business, rather than in their most

The Internet - concept
Selling Articles

Oh no, not more sales training?

When choosing sales training there are several factors to consider. Psychologists look at the key issues.

Ecommerce Articles

Magento Ecommerce Platform Feature Review

Here we discuss what makes Magento great among other open source ecommerce platforms. There is a comprehensive look in to the capabilities and features of Magento and how other platforms are compared to it.

The Internet - concept
Internet Psychology Articles

Psychological Pitfalls of Online Communication

The psychological aspects of interaction via the internet make for interesting study. On the one hand, people will say they enjoy connecting with people they do not know online because it allows them to be themselves. They say they feel uninhibited; researches agree that inhibitions are often reduced with cyber-communication and have coined the term disinhibition effect to explain the phenomenon.

Internet Marketing Articles

5 Simple Ways to Increase Conversion Rates

Online merchants spend a great deal of time promoting their ecommerce sites and products with SEO, social media marketing and other advertising strategies. Often times, people tend to overlook one of the biggest factors in their sites success, conversion optimization.