Category: Articles

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Social Media Articles

McKinsey Claims Trillion Dollars Wasted Annually Through Avoidable Social Media Mistakes

McKinsey has released a report that suggests that better social media marketing could add up to $1.3 trillion to the economy in increased productivity revenue. They argue that there is a direct link between the acquisition of social media enterprises by tech companies like Microsoft and Oracle and their increased operating revenues.

Internet Marketing Articles

Ways To Improve Your Business Marketing

It is important to think of unique and creative marketing techniques to make your business stand out from the crowd. Here are 3 top ways you can improve your business marketing:

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Internet Psychology Articles

The 4 Dimensions of Personality and What They Mean for Customer Service

By understanding the different dimensions of personality, you’ll be better able to guess whether individual employees will do better in specific types of customer service situations. Read on to learn about various aspects of personality, and what they mean for your employees’ approach to customer service.

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Search Articles

Indexing, Keywords, Linking: Your Tools for Effective SEO

Many companies, both small and large, are trying out new and easy ways to expand their businesses across the globe and get noticed. But many companies fail to utilize the search engine optimization technique provided by the internet, effectively.