Category: Articles

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Email Articles

7 Tips To Create Engaging Subject Lines

Businesses are predicted to invest more in email marketing in 2013. In this competitive online environment, not paying proper attention to subject lines is a missed opportunity as subject lines are a real make or break factor

Internet Marketing Articles

How to be comfortable in online video

Video has become so common that almost everyone is a TV star these days. But how confident are you on camera?

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Internet Psychology Articles

Web Safety for Children

Talk to your children to get a grasp about how much they know about online safety such as sharing personal information and which emails they shouldn’t be responding to

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Internet Marketing Articles

Online Reputation Management: Why Controlling Google Search Results Matters

Every business owner (and most individuals) search for their name on the web to see what results pop up. But how many of the first page hits do you directly influence? In this post, Reputation Changer President and COO Mike Zammuto explains why it’s important to have control over the top results when your business name is searched for, both for crisis management and general proactive reputation building.