Category: Articles

How to Get More Facebook Likes
Infographic showing how to get more Facebook likes

Corporate Blogging Facts and Figures
Infographic showing corporate blogging facts and figures

All you need to know about Google’s new ‘Hummingbird’ algorithm
Some days ago, Google announced a new search algorithm, Hummingbird. How does this influence the Google rankings of your website?

WordPress Security Plugins
Infographic showing the most popular WordPress security plugins

How to optimize the on-page factors of your web pages
High rankings on Google and other search engines are influenced by on-page factors and off-page factors. Before you focus on off-page factors such as backlinks and social mentions, you should make sure that the on-page factors of your web pages are correct.

Picking your eCommerce platform: Shopify Vs Magento
Which e-commerce platform is right for you? There are pros or cons to using each system but how do they stack up against each other?

10 Email Marketing Tips for Your Business
Infographic with 10 email marketing tips clearly explained

Flat Web Design; Trend or Design Enhancement
The advent of smartphones and tablets has forced designers to think more about how people interact leading to simpler type of design

The Psychology of Social Media: Why We Tweet and Who Doesn’t
The Psychology of Social Media: Why We Tweet and Who Doesn’t

Who is Tracking You?
Cookipedia lifts the lid on who is tracking you in this infographic

10 Examples of Social Media ROI
Infographic showing 10 examples of social media success and return on investment

The Great Big UK-US Mobile Divide
The UK and the US are divided by attitudes to mobile marketing

What Authoritative Links Are, And Why You Should Be Using Them in Your Content
Two different types of links within your web page can help your SEO

Cyberinsurance: What Is It and Do You Need It For Your Business?
Cyberinsurance is one option very few organizations have considered for their data security plans. But things are changing.

Email Marketing By Numbers
Infographic showing email marketing statistics

Three simple steps: how to get good backlinks
For years, many webmasters relied on spam and automated backlink building tools to get high rankings on Google. These methods don’t work anymore.

Who uses Facebook and Twitter?
Infographic showing exactly what kind of people use Facebook or Twitter