Category: Articles

Facebook in 2013
Infographic showing the advance of Facebook in 2013

Online Marketplace Changing for Consumers
Online Marketplace Changing for Consumers

Best Practices for Shorter Tweets
Infographic Showing Best Practices for Shorter Tweets

When to Avoid Using Social Media for Marketing
Here are some important aspects you need to know about advertising on social networks that may make you change your mind about investing all that money

Google’s Matt Cutts: repeat offenders get bigger penalties
Has Google different penalties for different websites?

How Young People are Buying Things
Infographic Showing How Young People are Buying Things

Will mobile take over by 2015?
Infographic asking will mobile take over by 2015?

Different keywords require different SEO tactics
Getting high rankings hasn’t become easier with Google’s recent updates. Fortunately, it is still possible to get high rankings if you do the right things.

A Quick Guide to Social Media
Infographic with a quick overview of key social media

Ways in Which the Right Web Hosting Provider Can Improve Your Online Business
By Richard Myers The online presence of a company is fast becoming the main source for customers to place a grade on an online business. There are a variety of ways to improve business overall via using the right web hosting services. One of these options is using a dedicated

5 Reasons to Promote Your Business through Personal Posts
A new trend in business promotion – promotion through personal posts.

How Facebook Changed the Advertising World
Infographic Showing How Facebook Changed the Advertising World

Nine SEO Experts reveal marketing truths
Infographic showing that nine SEO Experts reveal marketing truths

Improve Your Search Rankings And Site Usability With Fast Hosting
Since a slow website could potentially be ranked lower in Google, you will want to pay attention to how fast your website loads

Crowdfunding Inspires Entrepreneurs to Achieve Dreams
Big dreams are even more in reach for entrepreneurs as Forbes projected last year that crowdfunding transactions could reach as high as $500 billion annually, growing from about $1.5 billion in 2011

How to Deal With Social Media Complainers
Infographic on How to Deal With Social Media Complainers

How to build backlinks if your website is not sexy
If your business is in an industry that’s not ‘sexy’, you might think that it is impossible to get backlinks to your website – but it isn’t