Category: Ecommerce Articles

Ecommerce Articles

Magento Ecommerce Platform Feature Review

Here we discuss what makes Magento great among other open source ecommerce platforms. There is a comprehensive look in to the capabilities and features of Magento and how other platforms are compared to it.

Ecommerce Articles

Is your website about to break the law?

A new EU law requires ALL website owners to inform visitors of cookies and you could get a fine of up to £500,000 if you do not comply.

How to Use QR Codes to Increase Sales

QR codes are an excellent tool for business branding, website traffic, and attracting customer interest. Unfortunately, interest doesn’t automatically equate to an increase in sales.

Ecommerce Articles

Make the most of QR Codes

QR codes provide a massive opportunity for businesses – assuming they are used effectively, tested and actually do something.

Ecommerce Articles

Can your website visitors trust you? 4 things that you can do

Before people purchase something on your website, they have to trust you. If your website does not look trustworthy, then you won’t get many sales no matter how many visitors your website has. There are four things that you should do to show your website visitors that your company can