Author: Press Release Writer

Facebook caused even more divorce mayhem in 2011

A survey carried out by UK divorce website Divorce-Online in December 2009 found that 20% of behaviour petitions contained the word “Facebook.”. A follow up survey in December 2011 has found that number has increased alarmingly during 2011 to {{33% of behaviour petitions have been found to contain Facebook}} in

Want to complain? Go online…!

A survey of 2,000 UK consumers reveals that social media now ranks as a go-to platform for making complaints about a company’s products or services. Commissioned by eGain, the leading provider of cloud and on-site customer interaction software, and conducted by Vision Critical, the survey asked consumers to rank in

The Sunday Times to Giveaway iPad and Android Editions on Christmas Day

For the first time, The Sunday Times will be published on Christmas Day this year. To mark this historic occasion, The Sunday Times is giving away its Christmas Day edition free on iPad and Android devices. As well as live global and national news and sport, the Christmas Day exclusively

Dedicated Servers offer huge power

A new line of high-powered servers has entered the hosting market with 32 processor cores, released by 1&1 Internet Ltd,, a global leader amongst web hosting providers and the first large scale provider to deliver dedicated servers with this capacity.  With the most powerful hardware package to ever be

The Leaked Zuckerberg Photos And The Fragility Of Privacy

A few days ago, hackers exploited a security flaw on the Facebook website to gain access to private photos belonging to Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook. Although the security loophole was swiftly closed by Facebook, the images had already been posted to the web by the hackers.

Innovative ExactView Technology Tracks Social Media to point of Sale

Brands who have implemented a social media strategy into their integrated consumer outreach programmes but have been unable to effectively evaluate the success of their campaigns to the point of sales conversions, need now look no further than ExactView – the latest technological advancement by leading provider of real-time performance

“Management Consultant” tops list of people starting business on the web

1&1 Internet Ltd., (, a global leader amongst Web hosting providers, today revealed interesting results from its launch campaign for 1&1 MyWebsite – an easy online application that creates an attractive and highly-tailored business website in minutes.  1&1 reveals that in response to its prime-time TV advertisements for the product,

New search engine marketing service from 1&1

As soon as a website is launched, it has millions of competitors.  If a business wants to be successful online, it is necessary to conduct a great deal of advertising to create online presence.  To prevent small businesses with limited marketing budgets from getting lost in the masses, 1&1 Internet

All-In-One Multi-Channel Marketing Software from Trumpia, Featuring SMS, Email, IM and Social Media Messaging, is Now Available in the United Kingdom

Trumpia, the leader in All-In-One technology for multi-channel marketing, today announced that its service is now available in the United Kingdom. As a cornerstone of its All-In-One Multi-Channel Messaging platform, Trumpia’s mobile text marketing solution offers SMS and group texting. The platform also includes email, IM and social media messaging

3 Billion Word of Mouth Impressions About Brands Each Week

The average UK adult talks about brands 78 times per week, which translates into 3.4 billion brand impressions each week that come via word of mouth. And, 94% of those brand conversations take place offline, primarily face to face, while only 6% are online. These are among the major findings

Order your domains using a smartphone app

If you want to be found on the World Wide Web, a good Internet address is crucial.  But sometimes creativity strikes when you do not have a PC readily available. To support customers who have a brainstorm while away, 1&1 developed a Smartphone app which makes it possible to order

Sage Pay Breaks Industry Mould With Pay-as-you-go Merchant Services

Sage Pay, the UK’s leading independent payment processor has today announced an overhaul of its merchant services package for new customers signing up to their payment gateway. High set-up costs and lengthy approval processes can make acquiring a merchant account one of the most painful parts of setting up an

Small Business Facebook Marketing Simplified with New eBook

Inspired by today’s down economy, WebMaxed founder and CEO Kevin Haynes has written a free eBook designed to help small business entrepreneurs succeed and grow their businesses by harnessing the power of social media. Haynes’ book teaches small and local business owners how to capitalize on the popularity of Facebook,

Half of businesses consider social essential

Over 50% of user organisations in a recent AIIM survey now consider social business or Enterprise 2.0 applications to be imperative or significant to their business goals. Risk-averse culture is a primary factor impeding wider adoption. Positive results from early adopters are driving a rapid investment in social applications within

Facebook ad spend up 25 percent

Facebook ad spend has increased 25 percent during the third quarter of 2011, according to research by performance marketing company, Efficient Frontier. The cost of advertising on Facebook has also increased, with cost-per-clicks up by 54 percent in Q3 over Q2. Search spend has increased by 16 percent year-on-year in

Number Earning Extra Cash Online Doubles in a Year

The number of people earning a second income by trading online has doubled in the last year. A survey by Collect+ [ ], the parcel delivery and returns service, dubs such online entrepreneurs ‘e-pportunists’, finding that a third earn over GBP10,000 a year.[1] Over half (59%) of those trading online