Author: Graham Jones

How to earn $1m in two weeks by using Google

This video demonstrates that by using search facilities effectively you can learn completely new skills that can earn you $1m. Few of us actually use search engines effectively. We simply type in a word or two and hit enter. But with the intelligent use of search facilities much more is


Focus on the bigger picture for internet success

Yesterday I was in Brighton at a family funeral; my Auntie Mary, who was only in her mid-60s, was told a couple of months ago that she had just six weeks to live. She was a wonderful woman and so it was no surprise that the church had just as

Lonely people respond differently to reviews
Internet Marketing

Good reviews might work against you online

Are you watching The X-Factor…? Of course you are…! You’d be daft to miss the exploits of teen heart-throb Frankie Cocozza – especially as his mentor “chief judge” Gary Barlow said that he was really bad on stage last week, but that he had made a “comeback” this weekend. And

Businessman holding a touchpad pc, reading a newspaper

Read this…! You’ll like it…honest….!

What do you like best – reading something on-screen, or having a piece of paper in your hands and reading from that? Consistently, people claim that the subjective experience of reading from print is better than screen reading. Although we have to read millions of words from our screens each


Facebook reveals your brain’s structure

How many friends do you have on Facebook? Whatever the answer, I can tell how much grey matter you have in your “amygdala” – a small, almond shaped area deep within your brain. The amygdala plays a central role in emotion and in memory – probably helping us remember things

Google Blog on Secure Search
Online Business

Google makes another negative move – for your business and your children

Google has announced that it is “making search more secure”. What it is doing is ensuring that for all people who are logged into Google at the “dot com” site their searches will be encrypted. This, according to Google, is because search is “personal”. So, my first question is: what

Blogging is brilliant

Blogging wins – again..!

Here’s a conundrum for you. Let’s see if we can work it out. According to several studies, most business do NOT blog. Back in 2009 less than 16% of the Fortune 500 were blogging. And according to a study last year the number of companies blogging would rise to just

Google AdWords
Internet Marketing

Advertising blindness reduces Google’s income but could increase yours

Did you watch TV last night? Can you remember the adverts? Often, we can’t actually recall anything the advertisers spent millions on. What a waste of their money..! And if we can remember the advert it is usually because it was hugely creative – and then we can’t recall the


Email users are more intelligent

Hate your inbox? Think again. All that emailing you do could be doing two things for you. According to a small study of Australian schoolchildren, email makes you more intelligent and increases your popularity at the same time. The research found that boys in particular were more popular the more

Woman hands on red dress
Online Business

You must tell your friends their website is rubbish

What do you say when your partner asks “does my bum look big in this”? Do you think, well, actually, yes, it does make your butt look enormous and then say “That’s the perfect colour for you darling.” Or do you risk tears and tantrums by saying, “Sorry dear, but


Are you as popular as Katie Price online?

The former topless model, turned pop star, turned reality TV star, turned business woman, turned novelist Katie Price (aka Jordan)  is now about to become a lecturer at Oxford University. Well, OK it is only a one-off lecture, but nonetheless she is going to speak at the Oxford Union –

Google Plus not so popular now

Three psychological reasons why Google Plus is not working as well as it could

Google is full of engineers – computer geeks, code-writers and mathematicians all live happily inside the Google buildings around the world. To them, some of the aspects of using Google that we find complex, they think are really easy. I sometimes wonder if they think people around the world are

Why is so much internet marketing complete nonsense?

So, just why did Dr Liam Fox apologise if his friend Adam Werrity has done nothing wrong by meeting him in the Ministry of Defence, or accompanying him on overseas trips? Why indeed? Already, you are probably suspicious. I have asked the question in such a way that your mind

Online Business

Your website relies on social pressure

Teenagers simply “have to” get involved in sending “sext” messages – the mobile phone messages that reveal their sexual activity and which also may include nude imagery. A new study shows that if they don’t “sext” they feel left out. In other words, they do it because “everyone” is doing

Blogging is cost effective
Online Business

Blogging is the most cost effective method of getting new business

Amanda Knox (R), the U.S. student convicted of murdering her British flatmate Meredith Kercher in Italy in November 2007, arrives in court after a break during her appeal trial session in Perugia September 30, 2011. Knox, jailed for 26 years, and her Italian ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, are fighting their convictions

Choice is important to your website visitors
Internet Marketing

Your website buyers need something to choose

Muslim men in the UK are increasingly deciding to have more than one wife, according to a study performed by the BBC Asian Network. Religious rules allow Muslim men to have up to four wives, though under British law, they are only legally allowed one; the other wives are arranged

Troy Davis

Social influence is not all it is cracked up to be

Troy Davis was executed yesterday for a crime he denied committing. Amnesty International had a petition of over 1m signatures protesting against the unsafe conviction. Even the Pope weighed in with a plea to prevent the killing. There was a massive international campaign protesting this man’s innocence – even the


Are you ready for tomorrow’s Facebook?

Facebook users are going to get a surprise tomorrow; the social networking site that they love so much is trying to make them love it even more. On average we each spend 15 minutes every day using Facebook, creating three new pieces of content every day on the site. But