Author: Graham Jones

E-Commerce shopping cart (top view)
Internet Marketing

Choose your sales headlines carefully and you will sell more

Throughout the web you will see a seemingly endless array of buttons saying “Buy This”. That is a quite direct form of words. Many sales people would be taught not to be so direct, but to ask questions that imply purchase, such as “how many would you like” or “what

Frequent updates lead to social network success

Coronation Street actor, Antony Cotton could well be the “King of the Jungle” in this year’s “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here…!” Not only does he have millions of adoring fans who watch him on the box each week, he is also a popular “Tweeter”. And while he is

Internet Marketing

Online, the message matters most

Today you have a test. Find something that really, truly interests you and start reading it online. Follow the links and continue reading. Simple. Now look at the address of the website you reach at the end. You could well find it is entirely different to the one you started

Remembrance sunday poppy

Be proud of the rubbish and the nastiness you see on the internet

Everywhere you look online you will be reminded of nastiness, crime and downright evil. Whether it is a simple as a spam email, as complex as identity theft or as horrible as Internet trolling, you can’t avoid the negative aspects of the online world. There are rumours on Twitter, nasty

Thinking Baby

Blog like a baby…!

Babies know what you are thinking. New research shows that at around 10 months, young infants can detect if someone has changed their mind. Before they can walk or talk, babies can see inside your mind. So why does this happen? Why is it that trying to get to grips

Leaning Tower of Pisa and Cathedral
Internet Marketing

How to get more sales by positioning your prices correctly

So, here’s a conundrum: which way does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean? Does it lean to the left, or to the right? It rather depends, of course, which way you are looking at it. But the chances are, if you look at the Tower and it appears to be

Internet Marketing

Internet experts could be wrong

Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales, spoke last week in Gateshead as part of a BBC Radio 3 lecture series. The man behind the world’s most popular encyclopaedia was keen to point out that he was not really an Internet guru, rather he was someone who simply had a vision of making

Facebook and Google Page Headings

Is Google having a panic attack…?

Google is a fine company – let’s get that straight at the beginning. They provide you and me with plenty of useful services. Even if you only use their search engine, can you imagine life without? We all depend on Google to a smaller or larger extent. And as a

Woman's Weekly provides lessons for online business

Online businesses can learn from Woman’s Weekly

This week, Woman’s Weekly magazine is 100 years old. Happy Birthday, old gal. And in spite of the magazine market exploding since the introduction of the 1d (one old penny) magazine, it remains the best performing magazine in the sector, with sales slightly up in a market that has seen

Being social online leads to risky decisions

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou took a risk this week when he announced a referendum on the EU finance deal, which the rest of Europe thought was done and dusted. Greece and financial matters do not appear to be happy bedfellows at the moment. Indeed, a seemingly happy-go-lucky attitude to

How to manage multiple WordPress sites from one place

If, like me, you have dozens of WordPress sites, managing them can be difficult. You log in to one, then have to log into another and before long you are a bit muddled as to which site you are on. Not any more, thanks to a new service ManageWP. Check

Online marketers could be fumbling in the dark
Internet Marketing

Online marketers look like they are fumbling in the dark

Marketing staff in many businesses appear to have “seen the light” and realised that social media is essential in the future of online business. Indeed, according to a study by IBM 82% of Chief Marketing Officers plan to increase their investment in social media in the next few years. Indeed,


Treat your online customers, don’t trick them

Sales people up and down the land will be scaring their customers today. Not because it is Halloween, but due to the fact that sales people are taught that people buy because of fear. Nonsense. People do not buy because of fear, no matter what the sales text books tell

Simon Cowell shows how to get traffic
Internet Marketing

How to get millions of visitors to your website without paying a dime

X-Factor supremo Simon Cowell is fuming. Viewing figures for the prime-time show are down significantly compared with last year. But I suspect after making his views known via the front page of The Sun, the number of people watching will be back up this weekend. Millions of people who previously

Packaging sells products
Online Business

You need to wrap things up online

The latest smartphone from Nokia might just sell. Not because it is brilliant – it might be for all I know – but because it is brightly coloured. Most mobile phones are the same colour – sort of grey, silver, black combinations. The white iPhone was massively attractive, of course

BBC Radio Merseyside

Interview on the concept of Facebook “trolls” – people who post negative, hateful and hurtful comments on social networking sites.

Shopping is social
Internet Marketing

Target the truly social people and you will make more money on the internet

Here’s a simple psychology project you can do yourself this weekend in your local High Street. Sit yourself down in the café or restaurant of your nearest department store and do a bit of “people watching“. All you have to do is count the number of shopping bags each person