Author: Graham Jones

BBC You and Yours

I’m on the BBC Radio Four programme You and Yours today, talking about why we love online review sites like Trip Advisor.

Twitter of Facebook

Twitter users prefer information to being social

Twitter is a great social network – after all, you can have quick conversations with people, sharing your thoughts about a TV programme “live”, or commenting on a soccer player’s mishaps on the field with other Tweeters in the stadium. You can even tell people you are eating a cheese

Daily Mail

Just been interviewed by the Daily Mail for an article on Facebook advertising.

Truth or lies online

Don’t be too honest on Facebook

Facebook users are nothing if not honest. Several studies have shown that we are frequently more truthful online than we are in the flesh. Want to know the “real person” you meet? Take a look at what they say on Facebook and other social networks and you’ll glimpse parts of

Profile pictures depend on your eyes

Profile pictures online should be baby-faced

What is the first thing you look at when you land on someone’s social network profile page? When you look at an “About Us” web page, where do your eyes go? If you are like the bulk of Internet users you will focus your attention on the eyes of the

Six costly affiliate marketing mistakes

It’s always one of those “I can’t believe its true” moments for new affiliates once they discover the world of affiliate marketing. When they realise you don’t have to worry about product development or shipping they immediately jump on board, forgetting to perform such things as due diligence on the

Did Princess Diana fake her own death?

Princess Diana and Bin Laden are both alive and well…! Really?

Princess Diana shares something with Osama Bin Laden apparently – like him, she is alive…! Trust me, it must be true because several people believe it and say so online. Yes, they are conspiracy theorists, admittedly. But there are plenty of people chatting away on the Internet who suggest, for


Just been interviewed by online news distributor Adfero on the impact of design in e-commerce. Article should be available next week.

Names affect us
Online Business

Stephen Hester cannot help it – you should blame his Mum and Dad

Stephen Hester, the embattled boss of the Royal Bank of Scotland, cannot help being the current most-disliked man in Britain. It is not his fault that his employers decided to pay him £1.2m a year. Neither is he to blame that they decided to give him a bonus worth almost

Think Outside the Box
Internet Marketing

Your Internet Marketing Could Be Boosted With A Cardboard Box

Internet marketers are nothing if not creative. There hardly seems to be a day that goes by without some new idea from an Internet Marketing brainbox. And each time you think there can’t be any new ideas to market your business online, along comes another creative thinker who has developed

Two birds tweeting

Twitter can manipulate your behaviour

Twitter is not necessarily doing what you think it does. Rather than being the place where you send out short messages to your friends and colleagues it may be the place where your behaviour is manipulated by software. Researchers in Boston, USA, have discovered that “Twitter bots” can change our

How to Make Forum Marketing Work For You

As a website owner, you need to get the word out about your site in any way that you can. One of the best ways to do this is through forum marketing. Forums are simply places online where like-minded people gather to discuss their interests. However, you have to be

Do not ignore people

Do not ignore your website visitors

Hello, how are you? Hope you are well and that you have had a good day so far. Now, tell me, isn’t it nice to be asked, to be recognised, to be noticed? I am writing this from the Rudding Park Hotel, near Harrogate, where I am speaking tomorrow morning.

Business, Crossword Puzzle

Online success could be boosted by crossword puzzles

Internet business success depends upon website owners being open to new ideas and change. However, many people have fixed ideas and find they are not easily swayed by new online features. Research shows that simple things like crossword puzzles can increase your openness to new ideas and therefore improve your ability to undertake new internet business ideas and suggestions.

Blogging Articles

Overcoming writer’s block for bloggers

We have all heard of the notion of writer’s block, so don’t be surprised to find that there is also what you might call “blogger’s block”. You may already know that kind of feeling. These are times when you feel that you cannot seem to start blogging anything. That everything

BBC Radio Berkshire

Just got back to the office after being the “morning guest” on the Anne Diamond Show on BBC Radio Berkshire. They’ve booked me again for 15th February is you missed me today…!