Author: Graham Jones

BBC Radio Berkshire

Just been interviewed by Tony Blackburn for BBC Radio Berkshire about Twitter

Traditional marketers want the good old days back

The sad death of Frank Carson, one of the UK’s best-loved comedians has brought about a wealth of tributes today from many people in the entertainment world. By all accounts not only was he a funny man, but a genuinely nice man. Indeed, he was so well thought-of that Pope

Woman Magazine

I have been interviewed by Woman Magazine about the excessive use of social media. Read all about it when the issue goes on sales on 5th March 2012.

Julie gets a cup of tea thanks to Twitter

Finally, Twitter CAN make a cup of tea…!

Twitter can do a lot of things – but now it can even make tea…! Poorly Coronation Street actress Julie Hesmondhalgh, who plays Hayley Cropper, who managed to haul herself from her sick-bed yesterday afternoon to walk the dog and pick up the kids obviously had to return to bed

Does the web unite or divide?

The Internet unites people separately

The dream of Sir Tim Berners-Lee is to have a World Wide Web that is “free and open” and which extends its “benefits to all people on the planet”. It is a dream which means everyone benefits from being connected, learning from each other and sharing in that new-found knowledge.

BBC Radio Berkshire

On BBC Radio Berkshire today as a guest on the Anne Diamond Show.

Romance online

I luv u – well if I did I’d SAY so…!

Today, all across the Internet there will be messages of love. From Tweets to status updates on Facebook and cryptic messages on YouTube there will be an outpouring of affection on the web. There will also be hundreds of millions of text messages sent out saying something simple like “I

Brain Testing
Internet Marketing

How to beat Facebook

Facebook engages its visitors better than other websites according to a new study. But the research reveals how you can take on Facebook.

Smartphone in retail
Online Business

How stupid can you be as a retailer?

Retailers are missing out on potential sales because they are not offering free, in-store Wi-Fi. People buy more if they get free Wi-Fi.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens would have loved the Internet

Charles Dickens was born 200 years ahead of his time. Today the world celebrates his birth back in 1812 when the notion of the World Wide Web would have been science fiction. But had Dickens been around today there is little doubt he would have loved the Internet, would have

Stat My Web
Internet Marketing Articles

Check a website with complete set of tools

Checking a website to make sure it is at peak performance is an essential component of web design and running an online business. However, if you go to check a website you’ll discover you need to use a range of tools and services from a cross-section of different suppliers; so