Author: Graham Jones

Rude Emails: Man punching tablet in anger

Rude emails have a wide impact

Rude emails have an impact that goes beyond upsetting an individual. The stress of incivility in emails spreads to colleagues, friends and family.

Notepad with words measure content marketing concept
Content Marketing

Five ways to measure content marketing

Content marketing is often seen as a means to an end – produce content and add it to a website. But you need to measure content marketing.

Daily Telegraph

Interviewed by the Daily Telegraph for an article about elite online dating agencies

Truth and lies on chalkboard

Are people more likely to tell lies or be truthful online?

It’s well-established that some of what you read on the Internet is not true. After all, the notion of “fake news” is rather popular..! But do people lie online or are they more likely to tell the truth? The fact is you are much more likely to meet liars in the real world than on the Internet.

Free stuff and value

How do you ever make money giving things away?

The other day I was asked this on my newsletter questions page: “You appear to give away a lot of FREE information. How do you make your money from doing this?” That’s an excellent question. And, given that coincidences happen, it was no surprise that a similar issue came up

Colours on your website should be recognisable

How important are colours on your website these days?

Colours on your website trigger people to know it is you, assuming that they are primed for that colour recognition. Aligning your colour with your brand is more important than worrying yourself about so-called colour psychology, much of which is a myth and made up.

Sharing your content is easier on social networks
Content Marketing

Here are 3 reasons why I shall no longer be sharing your content after today

Sharing your content is what you want me to do, isn’t it? After all, you want everyone possible to share your content. However, there are three significant reasons why your content is not getting as many shares as you would like. If you want more people sharing your content you need to take note and produce material that is more likely to be shared.

Newspaper with headlines missing

Do you realise the true value of titles?

It has been another week of coincidences making me think of what I ought to write about today. Firstly, I was preparing the documentation for the masterclass I am presenting with my colleague Derek Arden when he suggested I use a stronger title for one of the items. The next

do you believe fake news

Why do people believe fake news?

Do you believe fake news? Do you even know what is fake? The chances are you believe things which are inaccurate or downright false because the information aligns with your personal views. Essentially, people believe fake news because they want to.

Time management techniques use diaries like this one

Time management techniques don’t work when you use the Internet

Time management techniques do not always work. No matter what the time management gurus will tell you, it isn’t always possible to follow the rules about productivity or use the techniques that will supposedly transform your day. So what do you do when all time management techniques fail?

Text sign showing Self Publish. Conceptual photo Publication Write Journalism Manuscript Article Facts written on Notebook Book on the jute background Marker next to it.

Can you really be a self-publisher?

Being a self-publisher is a dream for many people. For others, it is a reality as they produce their own books and place them on Amazon. But then the real issues kick in – marketing, PR, distribution. Few people who become a self-publisher think they’ll end up spending less time on writing than anything else.

Mobile shopping basket
Online Business

Don’t get fooled by the buzz about mobile shopping

Mobile shopping is a hot trend at the moment. The web is buzzing with stats and data about the surge towards mobile shopping. Advertisers are pushing their efforts towards mobile too. It is as though the desktop is being ditched. Yet the desktop is responsible for more transactions than mobile. The headlines mislead.

Social media bias is like following sheep

Is there a hidden bias in social media that is harming your business?

Social media bias is well-known. The concept of “echo chambers” has been discussed widely in politics, for instance. However, the issue of bias on brand pages is also an issue. New research shows that brands are getting a biased view of their business if they use social media.

wetherspoon pub

Will you follow Wetherspoon? Not any more – you can’t

Wetherspoon has shut down all it social media activity with immediate effect. Is this sensible? Is it a publicity stunt? Or is it the start of a trend where businesses re-evaluate social media and find it lacking?