Author: Graham Jones

BBC London

Interviewed on BBC London by Vanessa Feltz about email overload.


How to spot a web fake

There are plenty of fakes all around the internet, but how do you spot then? Stop being so emotional.

BBC Radio Newcastle

I appeared on the mid-morning show talking about “cyberbullying”.

The Scotsman

Interview in The Scotsman on “password stress”

Face to face meeting
Online Business

Start going out more

Business leaders are replacing face-to-face communication with social media. Be prepared for the backlash by going out more, not less.

Blog Master Infographic

How to be a Blog Master

How to be a blog master. This infographic explains how to get the best out of WordPress.


YouTube watching is instant decision

YouTube videos will be watched or not, depending on the static graphic they show. Having the right still shot is essential in getting viewers.